ARIN 52 Day 1 Recap

ARIN 52 Day 1 Recap

Greetings from “America’s Finest City,” where the ARIN 52 Public Policy and Members Meeting began today! We’re delighted to welcome both new and established community members joining us in San Diego, California, and online for policy discussions, guest speakers, organizational updates, and more. Read on for a rundown of what has happened so far at ARIN 52.

Want to join in the discussions remotely? Register before tomorrow so we can invite you to the Zoom webinar.

ARIN 52 Registration Desk

Fostering Fellowship

This fall, the ARIN Fellowship Program included the opportunity for Fellows to take part in the NANOG conference directly preceding the ARIN meeting. The Fellows attending NANOG 89 had the chance to do some extra preparation for actively participating at ARIN 52 by networking with colleagues, establishing friendships, and learning from the discussions and presentations held Monday through Wednesday. Then, on Wednesday evening, the wider group of ARIN 52 attendees joined in, greeting one another at an onsite Happy Hour that provided a great opportunity to catch up before the busy meeting agenda began this morning.

Mohibul Mahmud (ARIN 52 Fellow), Alicia Trotman (ARIN 52 Fellowship Mentor), Dana Cramer (ARIN 52 Fellow) Photo credit Dana Cramer. From left: Mohibul Mahmud (ARIN 52 Fellow), Alicia Trotman (ARIN 52 Fellowship Mentor), Dana Cramer (ARIN 52 Fellow).

Let’s Get Rolling

In typical Southern California fashion, Thursday morning greeted us with fog and pleasant temps as we began the first official day of the meeting. Hollis Kara, Director of Communications, started things off with opening announcements, introductions of our Board of Trustees, Advisory Council (AC), and the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC), and an overview of the meeting agenda. She also offered thanks to our ARIN 52 network sponsor, AT&T, webcast sponsor, Google, and bronze sponsor, IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank, along with tips for both virtual and in-person attendees to make the most of their meeting experience.

ARIN 52 Ombudsperson Wade Hinton

As ARIN continues its efforts to create an impactful and inclusive meeting, we are pleased to provide an ombudsperson during ARIN 52. Hollis invited Mr. Wade Hinton, CEO and Founder of Hinton & Company, to introduce himself and explain his role as the ombudsperson — or “ombuddy” as he was dubbed today — in making the ARIN 52 meeting a safe and comfortable space for all participants.

ARIN President and CEO John Curran at ARIN 52 “What we do and how we do it is up to you; your participation is essential.” – John Curran

After words of welcome and strong encouragement to actively participate in policy discussion from John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, and Bill Sandiford, Board of Trustees Chair, the meeting’s presentations kicked off. Tina Morris took the stage in her capacity as the NANOG Board of Directors Chair to provide an update on NANOG governance, programming, events, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, development, and community participation.

Next we heard the keynote address from Steve Wallace, Internet2 Director of Routing Integrity. Steve discussed the challenges of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)-Route Origin Authorization (ROA) diffusion within the U.S. Research and Education community, exploring the barriers to adopting routing security practices, how those barriers are being addressed through a community approach, the role of the ARIN Legacy Registration Services agreement, and how these sectors, and others, may benefit from lessons learned.

Steve Wallace, Internet2 Director of Routing Integrity, presents the keynote address at ARIN 52

Bill Sandiford then presented his Board of Trustees Report in which he discussed ARIN’s financial and fiduciary actions along with a look at recent policy ratifications (seven recommended draft policies, to be exact). He also announced that Kevin Blumberg, co-owner and CTO of The Wire Inc., has been reappointed by the Board of Trustees to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region. Kevin will begin serving his next three-year term on 1 January 2024.

Nancy Carter, Board Treasurer, followed up with her always anticipated Financial Report (or, as it’s fondly referred to, the “FUNancial” Report). She went over the main business of the Finance Committee along with updates on ARIN’s financial position, investments, operating results, and net assets and liquidity.

Ready, Set, Vote!

After a quick stretch and snack break, the ARIN Elections portion of the program began with John Sweeting, Chief Customer Officer, providing an overview of how you can get to know the candidates, who can vote, and how and when to vote, including instructions for using the election system introduced last year.

Following that, we watched recorded speeches from the candidates who are running for the ARIN Board and AC this year. You can view those speeches on our YouTube channel: Click to view the Board of Trustees Candidates and Advisory Council Candidates playlists.

Voting Open for the 2023 ARIN Elections

Voting is now open and closes at 7:00 PM ET next Friday, 27 October. Be sure to cast your vote and fulfill a vital community responsibility by helping shape the future of ARIN and the Internet as a whole!

For Community Consideration

We broke for lunch to refuel and enjoy some time to chat with colleagues before getting ready to enter the ARIN 52 policy blocks. First, John Sweeting gave the Policy Implementation and Experience Report that examined the history, current status, and potential options for changing procedures for IPv4 address space issued via the ARIN Waiting List (Number Resource Policy Manual section 4.1.8) and via the dedicated IPv4 block to facilitate IPv6 deployment (NRPM 4.10) as relates to multiple discreet networks (NRPM 4.5). The report also reviewed the recently implemented policy ARIN-2022-2, which establishes single-ASN issuance as the standard procedure and requires no justification for an initial ASN — a change that has made it considerably easier for customers to receive an initial ASN.

ARIN Chief Customer Officer John Sweeting at ARIN 52

John posed questions to the community about the potential options for addressing NRPM 4.1.8, 4.10, and 4.5, asking:

  • Should the IPv4 Waiting List policy be modified to either decrease wait time or adjust applicant eligibility? Should it be merged with the IPv6 transition policy (NRPM 4.10)?
  • Is a policy clarification necessary in regard to denying 4.10 space when requests invoke multiple discrete networks under section 4.5, or is ARIN is making the correct decision for these type of requests?
  • If clarification is needed, how should the definition of multiple discrete networks in section 4.5 be improved?
  • Should there be a maximum number of /24s available under 4.10?

Join the discussion at the meeting or on our Public Policy mailing list (PPML) to let us know what you think.

Building (Policy) Blocks

Leif Sawyer, AC Chair, then presented the AC Report and Docket, summarizing the policy activity since our last meeting, proposals received, and the eight items on the docket for the two policy sessions during ARIN 52. Leif also took a moment to wish a heartfelt farewell and offer thanks to Andrew Dul, Amy Potter, Chris Tacit, and Anita Nikolich, whose terms on the AC end this year.

Policy Session at ARIN 52

With that, AC members presented each policy and then opened the floor for community input. The meeting room and virtual chat were especially engaged with the following draft policies, responding with ample questions, comments, and discussions:

  • ARIN-2022-12: Direct Assignment Language Update – presented by Doug Camin
  • ARIN-2023-1: Retire Slow Start – presented by Brian Jones
  • ARIN-2023-2: /26 initial IPv4 allocation for IXPs – presented by Matthew Wilder
  • ARIN-2023-3: Amendment of the waitlist agreement to include a restriction on leasing – presented by Chris Tacit
  • ARIN-2023-4: Modernization of Registration Requirements – presented by Anita Nikolich
  • ARIN-2023-5: Clean-up of NRPM Sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10 and 6.10.1 – presented by Alison Wood
  • ARIN-2023-6: ARIN Waitlist Qualification – presented by Alicia Trotman
  • ARIN-2023-7: Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks and the addition of new Section 2.18 Organizational Identifier (Org ID) – presented by Chris Woodfield

Surveys and Suggestions

Policy blocks complete, we headed into the home stretch of day one and heard from Joe Westover, Director of Customer Experience and Strategy. Joe presented the results of ARIN’s fourth Customer Satisfaction Survey, which was conducted earlier this year by independent contractor Rockbridge Associates. After reviewing the survey objectives and methodology, the expectations to performance method of measuring success, and how to read the survey’s scorecard results, Joe shared a summary of the findings and Rockbridge Associates’ recommendations. This survey and ongoing feedback are essential to ARIN, helping us understand and enhance our customer experience.

ARIN Director of Customer Experience and Strategy Joe Westover at ARIN 52

Learn about the many ways you can share your feedback with ARIN in this post on our blog: This is ARIN and We’re Listening!

Next up, Hollis Kara provided an update on the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process (ACSP). She shared the history of the ACSP, the status of 2023 suggestions (13 submitted by the community) and consultations (four completed so far), and a look at upcoming consultations, which include:

  • Shared Whois Project (SWIP) Template Retirement
  • Allowing Recipients of Reallocated or Reassigned Addresses to use ARIN’s RPKI Services (ACSP 2023.8)
  • Resource Public Key Infrastructure/BGP Route Intelligence
  • REST API Method to Determine a Specific NET Object for a Range (ACSP 2023.12)

The Floor Is Yours

Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback at a Registration Services Help Desk and ARIN Elections Help Desk hosted by ARIN staff. And before the meeting wrapped up for the evening, John Curran and Bill Sandiford hosted an open microphone session for community members to pose questions or comments on any topic. Comments and questions from in-person and virtual participants hit on topics from SWIP templates and ARIN Election candidate’s participation in ARIN meetings to Whois abuse and more. Hollis Kara then closed with final announcements, another round of thanks for the meeting sponsors, and adjournment.

Open mic session closes day one of ARIN 52

Off Into the Sunset

With that, day one of ARIN 52 was in the books. Now we’re off to the ARIN Social tonight where we will network with our fellow meeting attendees and enjoy the lush surrounds and outdoor games at Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens.

If you would like to refer to anything you have seen (or missed) so far, all slides from today have been posted online on our ARIN 52 Meeting Materials page, and, over the next few days, we’ll also add links to the full transcript and webcasts.

We’ll see you back here tomorrow for the second and final day of ARIN 52. Don’t forget to use the #ARIN52 hashtag and tag us @TeamARIN on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook and @ARIN on LinkedIn when sharing about your meeting experience on social media!

Taking photos or screenshots of your ARIN 52 experience? We’d love to share them with the community! Tag, reply, comment, or message us on social media or email us at with images (and photo credit, if needed) that you grant us permission to publish online.

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

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