Posts by Wendy Leedy

Save the Dates: 2020 ARIN Elections Season Begins!
We’re beginning to enter the 2020 ARIN Elections season and wanted to bring your attention to a few important dates coming up. Wendy Leedy, Member Engagement Specialist, shares all the details you need to know.

Introducing the ARIN 44 Fellows!
We’re so excited to welcome the eight new fellows that will be joining us in Austin, Texas for ARIN 44 next month! We had the chance to get to know our fellows a bit better in preparation for the meeting. Be sure to stop and say hello when you see them!

Voting Matters, and It’s Not Just Me Who Thinks So!
We asked members of our community to explain why voting in the ARIN elections is one of the most important benefits of an ARIN membership. Remember to cast your vote by 12 October!

It’s Simple: Review, Update, or Designate an ARIN Voting Contact Today!
Voting in the ARIN Elections is an important responsibility granted to each Member organization. Do you know who the voting contact for your org is? It's easy to review, update or designate!

Introducing the ARIN 41 Fellows!
We’re excited to welcome the 13 new and returning fellows that will be joining us in Miami, Florida for ARIN 41 this month!

Meet the ARIN 39 Fellows
Since 2009 ARIN has welcomed 68 fellows to our Public Policy and Members Meetings in an effort to broaden educational outreach and enhance public policy discussions. Soon that number will jump to 83 as ARIN and the community greet 15 new and returning fellows to ARIN 39 in New Orleans, Louisiana!

Get to Know the ARIN 38 Fellows
ARIN 38 is right around the corner! Are you planning to join us in Dallas? If so, I encourage you to take a moment during the meeting to say hello to our newest fellows.

Voting Contact Clean-Up Campaign Now Underway!
To assist and ensure all eligible member organizations are prepared to vote during ARIN Elections, our team is currently leading an extensive Voting Contact clean-up campaign.

Introducing the ARIN 37 Fellows
Just a few more weeks until we head to Montego Bay, Jamaica for ARIN 37! We hope you’re planning to join us and if you are, you’ll keep an eye out for our 15 fellows and say hello.

Calling All Member Organizations: Check Eligibility and Save the Date for the 2016 ARIN Elections
ARIN Membership has its perks, but the privilege to vote for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) is undoubtedly the most important benefit of membership. ARIN Elections give you the chance to direct the future of ARIN, our community, and the Internet itself – no small task!
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