ARIN 51 Day 3 Recap

ARIN 51 Day 3 Recap

We’ve concluded the third and final day of the ARIN 51 Public Policy and Members Meeting! A huge thank you to all who participated in person and virtually and helped make this another productive and engaging meeting. To reference anything you’ve seen at the meeting, visit our meeting materials page. Over the coming days, links to the full transcript and webcasts will be added to this page as well. In the meantime, here’s an overview of what happened on Day Three; the meeting day was brief, so this is too!

Day 3

After Hollis Kara, Director of Communications, provided a warm welcome, a thank you to our elected volunteers, and opening announcements — along with a round of applause for our meeting sponsors, Charter Communications, Google, and IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank — we dove right into the final reports of ARIN 51.

Nancy Carter, Board Treasurer, was up first with her ever-popular Financial Report. She went over the main business of the Finance Committee along with updates on 2022 revenues (up 16% from 2021, due in part to the fee harmonization program), operating expenses (1% below budget), financial positions, and investments, which have been trending up since September of last year.

Bill Sandiford, Board Chair, then presented his Board of Trustees Report in which he discussed ARIN’s financial and fiduciary actions, including approving a transfer processing fee and the revised Policy Development Process (PDP) that will go into effect as of 1 May. Bill ended with a look at recent policy ratifications, which comprised three editorial changes and two recommended draft policies.

Next it was time for the Advisory Council (AC) Report, with AC Chair Leif Sawyer introducing how the AC operates, your current AC members and supporting ARIN staff, Working Groups, and the PDP. Leif also offered a thank you and farewell to Senior Policy Analyst Sean Hopkins, who departed from ARIN recently after 13 years in various roles, and a warm welcome to Eddie Diego, our new Policy Analyst, who was formerly with the Registration Services Department for nearly 12 years.

Then ARIN President and CEO John Curran shared the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Update, and Kevin Blumberg updated us on the latest news from the ICANN Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC). John Sweeting, Chief Customer Officer, followed up with a review of the NRO’s latest Internet Number Resource Status Report, and Eddie Diego provided a glimpse of recent policy proposals from each of the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs): AFRINIC, APNIC, LACNIC, and RIPE NCC.

Customer Experience and Strategy report by Joe Westover

And then, making its debut at an ARIN meeting, the Customer Experience and Strategy (CXS) Update was presented by the director of the recently created department, Joe Westover. Within the Office of the Chief Customer Officer (CCO), CXS was designed to shape the customer service strategy and ensure the delivery of ARIN’s services to customers meets their needs and preferences. Joe introduced the CXS team, which includes two new positions: a business process manager and a certification program manager. He also explained the team’s areas of focus, highlighted the fourth ARIN Customer Satisfaction Survey — which opened today and runs through 10 May — and introduced the new Trusted Facilitator program launching 1 June to replace the suspended Specified Transfer Listing Service (STLS) and Facilitator programs.

After a quick, final break, Erin Alligood, Chief Human Resources Officer, introduced ARIN’s HR and Administration team and its responsibilities. She highlighted ARIN’s value statements, the general reopening of the ARIN office with a hybrid work model in July 2022, an average employee tenure of more than eight years, and upcoming 2023 projects.

Chief Financial Officer Brian Kirk then took the stage to update the community about the Financial Services Department with a look at billing and accounts receivable, customer service activity, accounts payable and disbursements, and accounting and financial statements. He included a note on changes that took place in 2022 and a new addition to the Statement of Financial Position: Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 842 to increase financial transparency of lease agreements.

The Registration Services Department (RSD) Report was up next, with Director of Registration Services Lisa Liedel explaining what RSD does, what they can help you with, and their latest statistics on agreements, resources, and more. The number of organizations served by ARIN currently totals nearly 39,300, and RSD responded to thousands of customer contacts in 2022 via phone, chat, and ticketed requests. Community feedback shared by participants at ARIN 51 for RSD and their response times was enthusiastically positive.

Hollis Kara presents the Communications Department Report

Hollis Kara then closed out the meeting’s presentations with her Communications Department update. She introduced her team and what they’re working on, including training, education and community engagement, outreach, internal collaboration, and more. Among other 2023 projects, Hollis highlighted ARIN’s ongoing promotional campaign to encourage IPv6 adoption — keep up with it and participate by following and using the hashtag #LetsGrowIPv6 on Twitter!

To wrap things up, Bill Sandiford and John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, hosted an open mic session, during which comments addressed the importance of ARIN Community Grant Program applications as a means of strategic feedback for the Board and multiple thank yous to and from the ARIN 51 Fellows. Bill and John thanked Hollis, the Communications team, and all the staff supporting our hybrid format for hosting a fantastic meeting. Then we heard closing announcements from Hollis, and ARIN 51 was in the books!

Open Microphone

If you missed anything from the first two days of ARIN 51, you can reference the Day One and Day Two recaps on the blog. Thank you again to all who made ARIN 49 a hybrid success. If you were in attendance, don’t forget to complete the meeting survey so we can capture your feedback.

Looking Ahead

Save the date for ARIN 52 happening 20-21 October 2023 in San Diego, California, and online! Stay tuned for more details about future meetings by subscribing to the ARIN Announce mailing list.

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

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