Draft Policy ARIN-2024-1

Definition of Organization ID/Org ID

Status: Under Discussion
Shepherds: Gus Reese and Gerry George

Current Text (7 February 2024)

Problem Statement:

During work on a related policy proposal, the NRPM Working Group determined that a definition of Organization Identifier (Org ID) should be included in the NRPM to add clarity to the term and unify NRPM references to match the use of the term in other ARIN publications such as ARIN online.

Policy Statement:

Current: None


Section 2.18. Organization Identifier (Org ID)

An Organization Identifier (Org ID) is an identifier assigned to resource holders in the ARIN registry.


This definition had previously been included in an earlier policy proposal (ARIN-2023-7), but community feedback recommendations on that proposal showed a preference for adding the definition separately from that proposal. As such the definition is now being proposed as a standalone proposal, and the language will be removed from the current ARIN-2023-7 proposal, allowing the two sections of that proposal to be evaluated separately.

Timetable for Implementation: Immediate.

History and Earlier Versions

Action Date
Proposal 18 December 2023
Draft Policy 31 January 2024
Revised 7 February 2024

Advisory Council

Board of Trustees

ARIN Public Policy Meetings