Where are they now? Reconnecting with ARIN Fellows

Where are they now? Reconnecting with ARIN Fellows

We recently wrapped up our ARIN 46 Public Policy and Member Meeting, and we had a great time with all who participated! There was, however, one component of our typical meeting that was missing – a new batch of ARIN Fellows. Each meeting we typically share a post introducing our latest group of ARIN Fellows. Since we didn’t have the chance to welcome new fellows during this virtual meeting, we thought it could be a great opportunity to reconnect with our former fellows. We look forward to bringing our in-person Fellowship Program to a future meeting as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, let’s see what a few of our former fellows have been up to.

How has your career grown or changed since your participation in ARIN’s Fellowship Program?

Paola Pérez, Center for Women in Technology Manager, shared that she has pursued many educational opportunities since her ARIN Fellowship. “…I have specialized with a Master’s in Cybersecurity in Spain that I just finished in the middle of a global pandemic, and I am fortunate to have been selected as one of the 13 fellows worldwide that promote MANRS (secure routing) and [more] precisely I am one of the two fellows as a MANRS policy analyst. I cannot be more grateful to ARIN for contributing to my professional development, with the management of Internet resources and with so many initiatives to support the development of the Internet. I also feel lucky to have been part of the great ARIN family.“

Alison Wood, a Network Engineer for the State of Oregon and Advisory Council Member for ARIN shared, “After becoming a fellow I successfully ran for the ARIN Advisory Council. While on the council I have had the opportunity to serve the community, present policy, participate on the NOMCOM, host table topics, mentor fellows, and submit policies of my own."

Nancy Carter, CFO at Canarie, had a similar experience: “…since my participation in the Fellowship Program, I was nominated for the Board of Trustees, ran and was elected. I have been the Treasurer for the past three years, and this has been a great opportunity for me to give back to ARIN.”

Was there a moment where ‘unexpected’ learning took place for you at the Public Policy meeting(s) you attended?

John Olson, President of Webhiway Communications LLC, explained that he was “learning during the whole time, it was a great experience.”

José R. de la Cruz shared that, “Meeting professionals whose job is manage network applications, such as DNS, provided excellent insight into policy implementation. Also, [I] have developed a wonderful relationship with some ARIN staffers.”

Bram Abramson, Managing Director of 32M, said learning about ARIN’s policy process was very compelling. He also “enjoyed the ‘lightning session’ that Chris Tacit put on to take fellows through the list of proposals on the table.”

How have you shared your ARIN Fellowship Program experience with others in your community or work environment?

Roosevelt Lewars, Senior Lecturer Applied Technology at the HEART/NSTA in Jamaica, says he “frequently share[s] information about ARIN - objectives, successes to peers, work places, students and community members by means of conversations and link sharing so they too can read, apply and attend ARIN sessions.”

College Professor, Daniel Fokum, said he was able to share his Fellowship experience with his undergraduate and graduate Computer Networking students.

While Matthew Wilder, Senior Engineer at TELUS, was able to share his experience with IPv6 during his Fellowship in the Caribbean. “The objective of participating as an ARIN fellow was to be able to attend CaribNOG and present about IPv6. This was a wonderful experience and I am thankful the Fellowship Program was able to get me to this part of the ARIN region where I was able to share my own experiences.”

Lastly, we asked the fellows to share their favorite book, mobile app, or podcast. Here’s some of the responses we received!

I love all books about positive thinking or self-improvements. I especially like books by Zig Ziglar. - Adrian Schmidt

Jack Kerouac’s On the Road Serial Podcast - Glenn McKnight

Ubiquti’s UNMS app, to keep track of my network. - John Olson

Angry Birds Friends app! Playing provides entertainment and relieves stress. – José R de la Cruz

Favorite Book is The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan; It changed my life, gave me a new perspective on the world, the past, and the future. - Austin Murkland

Podcast - Gastropod. I like the discussion on the intersection between food, science, and history. - Daniel Fokum

I just read the Alice Network. It is a semi-fictional historical novel about a network of women employed as spies during WW1. Learning about the amazing accomplishments of these women in the face of upmost challenges was remarkable. - Alison Wood

My favourite podcast is Law Bytes, by Michael Geist - it is always interesting, informative, and riveting. - Nancy Carter

Braving the Wilderness by Brenee Brown. The willingness to stand alone and simultaneously belong nowhere and everywhere is an incredibly powerful idea. - Matthew Wilder

The 5AM Club: Richard Branson, Michelle Obama and Tim Cook are honorary members of a club in which its members live convinced of one thing: that getting up very early is the key to success. The Book argues that by taking control of the morning, the individual manages to give life a boost. I have created new habits for life: doing some physical activity, looking at the agenda and planning the day, as well as reviewing the quarterly goals and watching, reading or studying on a topic that helps personal growth. I have managed to connect with myself to be able to put aside the digital distraction. - Paola Pérez

Thank you to all of our wonderful fellows who took the time to share about what they’ve been up to since completing their ARIN Fellowship! We encourage all of our fellows to keep in touch with us. We are now accepting applications for our Virtual Fellowship Program to ARIN 47. Apply by 12 February for consideration. If you have any questions about the Fellowship Program, be sure to email me at agauldin@arin.net.

Post written by:

A photo of Amanda Gauldin
Amanda Gauldin
Project Manager

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