Four Simple Steps to Prepare You for ARIN Elections

Four Simple Steps to Prepare You for ARIN Elections

2020 has been a year unlike any other, and we are more grateful than ever for the ongoing support and participation of our community. As we approach the culmination of the 2020 ARIN Elections, we encourage you to take some time to create a pre-election plan to help you learn about this year’s candidates running for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. Voting is one of the most important things you can do for ARIN, as it helps direct the future of the organization’s governance and the evolution of Internet number resource policy for the whole community.

We wanted to make things as easy as possible, so here are four simple steps you can take to prepare yourself leading up to Friday, 23 October, when voting opens.

1. Get to Know the Candidates

First and foremost, get to know your candidates! This year, we will be filling two of the six member-elected seats on our Board of Trustees. There are five seats up for election from our 15-member ARIN Advisory Council. We created a handy Voter Guide, which provides you with all the details you need to know about the candidates who are running this year. In this voter guide, each candidate shares information about their job experience, education, related experience, views on the future of ARIN and much more.

2. Read or Make Statements of Support

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the candidates, you can move on to reading and/or making statements of support. This is a great way to support your candidate(s) of choice, and learn about what others in the community are saying.

3. Rank Questions to be Answered at the Candidate Forums

Over the last few weeks we’ve been asking the community to send in what questions they’d like to hear answered at the Board and AC Candidate Forums on 23 October. Now we are interested in finding out which of these suggested questions are most interesting or important to you. You can rank the suggested questions anonymously using our online form before 5:00 PM EDT on 13 October.

4. Create a Voting Plan

Great! You’ve learned about the candidates, viewed or written statements of support, and helped us narrow down what you’d like the candidates to discuss at the panel. Now it’s time to make a plan for when, where, and how you’ll be casting your vote. Voting opens at 3:00 PM EDT on 23 October and closes at 5:00 PM EDT on 30 October. Casting a vote is simple and requires just a few minutes of your time. Your ballot can be cast online from the comfort of your office, home, or mobile device anytime during this election timeframe. To access and cast your ballot, log in to your ARIN Online account and click on the “Vote Now” link located on your dashboard.

And that’s it! It takes just four simple steps to fulfill a vital community responsibility. We thank you in advance for your participation in this year’s elections. If you have any questions throughout this process, please email

Post written by:

Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst

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