ARIN 46 Virtual Recap

ARIN 46 Virtual Recap

While we wish we could be sipping coffee gazing out over a drizzly Seattle skyline, we’re so grateful to have been able to gather virtually with our community for the first portion of our ARIN 46 Public Policy and Members Meeting. Thank you to all who participated to make this digital gathering a success!

For those of you who were unable to attend, here is a high-level recap of what happened.  

Day 1

Paul Andersen, ARIN Board of Trustees, welcomed everyone to the meeting and set expectations for the day ahead. We then moved swiftly into the first policy block of the meeting:

Bingo & Stretch

Time for a break. During the break, I led everyone through a ten-minute stretch to work the kinks out after sitting at our computers for awhile. Then we played a fun game of “ARIN Buzzword Bingo.” Everyone was provided a bingo board and list of buzzwords in advance. We had a fun round of bingo before Gus Reese, Celeste Anderson and Andrew Dul were declared the winners and it was time to head back into policy discussions.

Staff hosts bingo for ‘Board of Trustees’

Staff hosts bingo for ‘IPv6’

Jennifer Bly, Public Affairs Specialist, led us into the next segment and introduced the 2019 ARIN Community Grant Program Recipients. We heard an update from each of the recipients on the projects they’ve been working on after being awarded a grant last year, which included CrypTech, Global NOG Alliance, Industry Network Technology Council, and DNS-OARC. Jennifer then returned to share an update about the 2020 ARIN Community Grant Program. Recipients have been identified, and we will be seeing a list of the recipients when we meet back here for the remaining portion of ARIN 46 on 23 October, so stay tuned.

Lisa Liedel, Registration Services Manager, was up next with her Registration Services Department Statistics Report. Mark Kosters, Chief Technology Officer, followed with the final presentation of the day, his Routing Security and Services Update.

John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, led an open mic session and closed us out for the day. Following the meeting, attendees had the option to participate in six different “breakout sessions” with topics including:

  • Room 1: Meet the Board & AC Chairs
  • Room 2 - Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2020-2
  • Room 3 - NRPM Clean Up Working Group
  • Room 4 - PDP Improvements Working Group
  • Room 5 - Policy Experience Report Working Group
  • Room 6 - ARIN Fellowship Program

And that was a wrap for the first day of ARIN 46!

Day 2

We hope everyone had their cookies ready to enjoy on the second day of the meeting! John Curran kicked us off with a warm welcome back to day two of ARIN 46. Then, we jumped right into policy discussions that included conversations about:

After the policy block Richard Jimmerson, Chief Operating Officer, provided a general update about ARIN with a structural overview.

Trivia & Stretch

Then it was time to move and play during the break. I led us once more through a gentle ten-minute stretch before we enjoyed a game of ARIN Trivia with our entertaining host, Jesse Helfrich. Congratulations to Alex Latzko for winning the gift card, and thanks to all who participated in the fun!

Staff hosts a stretching session

Staff hosts a trivia game

Cathy Aronson, IETF Reporter, led us into the second half of the day with her ever popular IETF Report. John Sweeting, Chief Customer Officer, gave a report on the results of our recent Customer Satisfaction Survey. Hollis Kara, Communications Director, shared the last presentation of the day with an update on our Training and Outreach efforts. Lastly, John Curran closed us out for the day with an open mic session and closing announcements.

We enjoyed live tweeting #ARIN46 with you!

If you want to refer to anything you’ve seen so far, all slides have been posted online. Over the next few days we’ll also add links to the full transcript and webcasts to this page as well. 

But wait, there’s more!

Join us on 23 October for the final day of ARIN 46! Next week we will hear speeches from our candidates in the 2020 ARIN Elections, as well as updates from our Board and Advisory Council. At the conclusion of the meeting, we will also open voting.

If you registered for the first two days, you don’t need to do anything. But there is still time to join if you haven’t registered yet.

Please save the date for ARIN 47 which is currently slated for April in Florida. Thank you for helping make ARIN 46 a (digital) success!

Post written by:

A photo of Erin Pratt
Erin Pratt
Social Media and Content Specialist

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