Request IPv4 Addresses

ARIN experienced depletion of its IPv4 Free Pool on 24 September 2015, however we are still processing and approving customer IPv4 requests. Visit the Waiting List page to learn more about how IPv4 requests are being handled.

You may also consider submitting a transfer request to acquire IPv4 space.

Reserved IPv4 Address Blocks

Since IPv4 depletion, we no longer can fulfill requests for IPv4 addresses unless an organization meets certain policy requirements that reserve blocks of IPv4 addresses for special cases, as outlined below.

Resources allocated from a reserved pool (including those designated in Section 4.4 and 4.10) are not eligible for transfer to specified recipients. Receipt of an allocation from these pools does not affect your eligibility to be on the Waiting List for Unmet Requests, nor will any existing Waiting List request be removed.


Policy: NRPM 4.4

ARIN will make IPv4 micro-allocations to critical infrastructure providers of the Internet, including public exchange points, core DNS service providers (e.g., ICANN-sanctioned root and ccTLD operators) as well as the RIRs and IANA. These allocations will be no smaller than a /24. Multiple allocations may be granted in certain situations.

Dedicated IPv4 Allocation to Facilitate IPv6 Deployment

Policy: NRPM 4.10

As part of the community-adopted policy, a contiguous /10 IPv4 block has been set aside and dedicated to facilitate IPv6 deployment. Allocations and assignments from this block must be justified by immediate IPv6 deployment requirements. Examples of such needs include: IPv4 addresses for key dual stack DNS servers, and NAT-PT or NAT464 translators. ARIN staff will use their discretion when evaluating justifications.

A /24 will be allocated. In order to receive an allocation or assignment under this policy:

  • the applicant may not have received resources under this policy in the preceding six months;
  • previous allocations/assignments under this policy must continue to meet the justification requirements of this policy;
  • previous allocations/assignments under this policy must meet the utilization requirements of end user assignments;
  • the applicant must demonstrate that no other allocations or assignments will meet this need;
  • on subsequent allocation under this policy, ARIN staff may require applicants to renumber out of previously allocated / assigned space under this policy in order to minimize non-contiguous allocations.

ISP Allocations

ARIN allocates blocks of IP addresses to ISPs for the purpose of reassigning that space to their customers.

For policy information, see Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) Section 4.2.

For fee information, see ARIN’s Fee Schedule.

Initial Requests

Standard / Renumbering

Policy: NRPM 4.2.2

All ISP organizations without direct assignments or allocations from ARIN qualify for an initial allocation of up to a /22, subject to ARIN’s minimum allocation size.

All ISP organizations without direct allocations, direct assignments, re-allocations or reassignments automatically qualify for a /24. These organizations are exempt from requirements of showing the efficient utilization of previously held IPv4 space. These organizations may qualify for a larger than a /24 by documenting how the requested allocation will be utilized within the request size specified in NRPM

ISPs holding re-allocations and/or reassignments must show the efficient utilization of their resources consistent with the requirements in sections NRPM 4.2.3 and NRPM 4.2.4.

Documentation typically required for initial requests:

  • List of CIDR prefixes/ranges assigned to dynamic pools with service type (e.g., DSL, wireless), city/region served, peak utilization percentage, and number of customers served for each pool
  • List of IP addresses/subnets statically assigned to customers along with the corresponding customer name for each IP address/subnet
  • List of IP addresses used for web hosting along with at least one customer domain name hosted on each IP address
  • List of IP addresses/subnets assigned to internal equipment/infrastructure along with the corresponding hostname/device name for each IP address/subnet

Additional Requests


Policy: NRPM 4.2.4)

  • Demonstrate at least 50% of each of your allocations is efficiently used
  • Demonstrate at least 80% of the sum of all allocations is efficiently used
  • Provide reassignment information for all customer reassignments of eight or more contiguous IP addresses via SWIP or RWhois
  • Provide reassignment information in text or spreadsheet format for all customer assignments less than 8 contiguous IP addresses
  • List of CIDR prefixes/ranges assigned to dynamic pools with service type (e.g., DSL, wireless), city/region served, peak utilization percentage, and number of customers served for each pool
  • List of IP addresses used for web hosting along with at least one customer domain name hosted on each IP address
  • List of IP addresses/subnets assigned to internal equipment/infrastructure along with the corresponding hostname/device name for each IP address/subnet

Multiple Discrete Networks

Policy: NRPM 4.5

  • Demonstrate your organization is a single entity and not a consortium of smaller independent entities
  • Provide verification your organization has two or more discretely routed networks
  • Provide detailed records on how you’ve allocated space to each discrete network, including the date of each allocation
  • Demonstrate 50% utilization of both your last allocation and of all allocations (overall) OR demonstrate all free blocks are smaller than ARIN’s minimum allocation

Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) over Cable

Policy: NRPM

IP addresses reassigned by an ISP to an incumbent cable operator for use with Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) will be counted as fully used once they are assigned to equipment by the underlying cable carrier provided they meet the following requirements:

  • Initial assignments to each piece of hardware represent the smallest subset reasonably required to deploy service to the customer base served by the hardware
  • Additional assignments to each piece of hardware are made only when all previous assignments to that specific piece of hardware are at least 80% used and represent a 24-month supply
  • IP allocations used through are non-transferable via section 8.3 and section 8.4 for a period of 36 months. In the case of a section 8.2 transfer the IP assignment must be utilized for the same purpose or needs-based justification at a rate consistent with intended use.

End User Assignments

An end user is an organization that operates a network exclusively for its employees but does not provide Internet services to customers. ARIN assigns blocks of IP addresses to end users who request address space for their internal use in running their own networks, but not for sub-delegation of those addresses outside their organization. End users must meet the requirements described in these guidelines for justifying the assignment of an address block.

For policy information, see Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) Section 4.3.

For fee information, see ARIN’s Fee Schedule.

Initial Requests


Size: /24 minimum
Policy: NRPM 4.3.2

  • End-user organizations without direct assignments or allocations from ARIN qualify for an initial assignment of ARIN’s minimum assignment size
  • Provide data demonstrating at least a 50% utilization rate of the requested block within 24 months

Additional Requests


Size: /24 minimum
Policy: NRPM


  • Provide data showing efficient utilization of at least 50% of each previous assignment
  • Provide data showing at least 80% of the sum of all assignments is efficiently used
  • Provide data demonstrating a 50% utilization rate of the requested block within 24 months

Documentation typically required for additional requests:

  • A subnet mapping for each of your previous ARIN assignments listing each logical subnet created within the block with the following data for each subnet
    • A brief description of its purpose
    • The number of IP addresses currently used
  • A subnet mapping showing each logical subnet you plan to create within the requested block with the following data for each subnet:
    • A brief description of the subnet’s purpose
    • Number of IP addresses that will be used within 12 months
    • Number of IP addresses projected to be used within 24 months

Submitting Your Request

To better understand how to use ARIN Online to submit a request, visit the Get Started page.

All resource requests require an ARIN Online account linked to either an Admin or Tech Point of Contact record (POC) with the authority to request resources for a valid Organization Identifier (Org ID). For assistance creating a POC record, visit our POC Records page. You may also want to visit our page on Org IDs.

  1. Log in to ARIN Online.
  2. Select IP Addresses from the navigation menu.
  3. Select Request.
  4. The subsequent windows guide you through your request.

ARIN may require detailed contact information, organization and network information, or business plan details to justify a request. ARIN recommends providing as many details as possible, as detailed justification documents may result in fewer correspondence cycles and a smoother request process. To view some example documentation that may be used as templates when requesting resources, visit the Examples: Resource Request Documentation page.

An ARIN Customer Service Resource Analyst will review your request (typically within two business days) and reply to either approve your request or request more information. Once all requirements are met, ARIN will approve your request and ask that you pay any applicable fees and submit a signed Registration Services Agreement (RSA) within 60 days. Once ARIN receives a signed RSA and all applicable fees, your resources will be issued within two business days.

If you need a status update on your request or have any questions, please call ARIN Registration Services at 703.227.0660. If you need assistance with paying the registration fee or submitting a signed RSA, please call ARIN Financial Services at 703.227.9886.

Out of Region Use

ARIN registered resources may be used outside the ARIN service region for organizations with a real and substantial connection with the ARIN region. For details, please see Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) Section 9. To view the ARIN service region, visit the ARIN Region page.