Nomination Committee FAQs

What is the purpose of the Nominating Committee?

The Nominating Committee (The NomCom) is responsible for recruiting nominees standing for election to the ARIN Board of Trustees (Board) and Advisory Council (AC), in accordance with the Bylaws and the Election Processes. (Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2.a.).

The NomCom is a standing committee of the Board, as specified in the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 3(a).

Who serves on the NomCom?

The NomCom is comprised of seven representatives, including two members from the ARIN Board of Trustees (one serving as Chair) who then select and appoint the remaining five representatives from a pool of eligible volunteers associated with ARIN General Members. The five appointed representatives from the pool of eligible volunteers may include at least one and up to two serving AC members.

Volunteer representatives from General Members in Good Standing of the NomCom are asked to sign and return a a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) within three business days of being selected.

The list of members of the NomCom are available on the Committees and Working Groups page.