ARIN 55 Registration Now Open

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Registration is now open for the ARIN 55 Public Policy and Members Meeting, taking place 27-30 April 2025 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and online via Zoom.

Register for ARIN 55

We are excited to provide opportunities for both virtual and in-person participation and hope you can join us for this free event. Our ARIN 55 agenda includes discussions of multiple draft policies, reports from our Board of Trustees and Advisory Council, a variety of updates from ARIN staff, and more! Stay tuned for a detailed agenda as we get closer to the event.

Planning to attend in person?

ARIN 55 will be held at the Hilton Charlotte Uptown in Charlotte, North Carolina. Be sure to register and book your room before 1 April to receive the discounted rate. For hotel details, travel information, health and safety protocols, and more, visit

For our in-person attendees, if you’re interested in learning more about ARIN’s Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) offerings and how they can help secure your resources, we encourage you to register to attend our RPKI Deployathon on Sunday, 27 April. ARIN experts will help guide your first Route Origin Authorization and answer any questions you may have about RPKI.

On Sunday, stop by our Welcome Reception to say hello to colleagues and friends before the meeting begins. Then, on Monday evening, have some hands-on fun at the ARIN 55 social event at Discovery Place Science Museum.

Planning to attend virtually?

A link to access the virtual meeting will be emailed to all registered attendees each day before the meeting begins. In order to submit comments or questions and participate in polls on policy proposals, you must register for the meeting. The ARIN 55 chat in the Zoom webinar will be monitored to ensure that all attendees adhere to the ARIN Participants Expected Standards of Behavior.

Meeting Orientation

We invite you to join us at our virtual Meeting Orientation on Tuesday, 22 April, to find out how to make the most of your meeting experience, including information about the draft policies up for discussion. During the ARIN 55 registration process, choose the Meeting Orientation option to reserve your spot.

Sponsorship Information

Individual sponsorship opportunities are now available for ARIN 55. Sponsoring an ARIN meeting is an excellent way for your organization to show support for the community-based, transparent policy development processes that support the foundation of Internet infrastructure.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring ARIN 55, we offer a range of packages designed to meet your organization’s objectives and budget. Visit for details on costs and sponsor benefits.

ARIN would like to thank our network sponsor, Charter, for its support of ARIN 55.

If you have any questions about ARIN 55 and its events, or would like more information about ARIN 55 sponsorship, please email us at

We look forward to seeing you there!


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)