Meeting of the ARIN Advisory Council - 16 March 2023



  • Kat Hunter, Vice Chair (KH)
  • Doug Camin (DC)
  • Gerry George (GG)
  • Brian Jones (BJ)
  • Kendrick Knowles (KK)
  • Anita Nikolich (AN)
  • Amy Potter (AP)
  • Gus Reese (GR)
  • Chris Tacit (CT)
  • Alicia Trotman (AT)
  • Matthew Wilder (MW)
  • Alison Wood (AW)
  • Chris Woodfield (CW)

ARIN Staff:

  • Michael Abejuela, (MA) General Counsel
  • Eddie Diego, (ED) Policy Analyst
  • Jenny Fulmer, (JF) Staff Attorney
  • Sean Hopkins, (SH) Senior Policy Analyst
  • Richard Jimmerson, (RJ) Chief Operating Officer
  • Lisa Liedel, Director of Registration Services
  • Therese Simcox, Sr. Executive Assistant / Scribe
  • John Sweeting, Chief Customer Officer


  • Andrew Dul
  • Leif Sawyer

1. Welcome

The Vice Chair called the meeting to order at 4:11 PM ET. The presence of a quorum was noted. She acknowledged regrets sent from the Chair and AD. She noted CT would be delayed.

2. Agenda Review

The Vice Chair reviewed the agenda with the Council and called for any comments. There were no comments.

3. Approval of the Minutes

(Exhibit A)

It was moved by BJ, and seconded by AT, that:

“The ARIN Advisory Council approves the Minutes of 16 February 2023, as written.”

The Vice Chair called for comments. There were no comments.

The motion carried with no objections.

AT stated that this policy is waiting to be presented in April at ARIN 51. No changes at this time.

KK stated that this policy is ready for presentation at ARIN 51.

MW stated that this policy is ready and will be presented at ARIN 51 to include the policy’s history.

7. Draft Policy 2022-4: Clean-up of NRPM Sections 2.1 and 2.2

AW stated that the text changes have been made and the staff and legal results indicated that they were not editorial in nature.

It was moved by AW, and seconded by BJ, that:

“The ARIN Advisory Council moves ‘Draft Policy ARIN-2022-4: Clean-up of NRPM Sections 2.1 and 2.2’ to Recommended Draft Policy status.”

The Vice Chair called for comments.

The motion carried with 12 in favor, via roll call vote.

The Vice Chair requested a conformance statement from the policy shepherds.

8. Draft Policy ARIN-2022-5: Clean-up of NRPM Section 2.11.

AW stated that this policy is ready to present at ARIN 51. GR stated that staff and legal review showed changes needed to be made for grammatical clarity. There were no comments when posted to the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML).

It was moved by GR, and seconded by AW, that:

“The ARIN Advisory Council moves ‘Draft Policy ARIN-2022-5: Clean-up of NRPM Section 2.11’ to Recommended Draft Policy status.”

The Vice Chair called for comments. There were no comments.

(Chris Tacit showed up at this time, 4:14 PM)

The motion carried with 12 in favor, via roll call vote. (It was noted that AP was unable to vote due to technical difficulties).

The Vice Chair requested a conformance statement from the policy shepherds.

CT stated that the language was updated per the latest staff and legal review. He noted that nothing more is needed than to present this policy at ARIN 51.

10. Draft Policy ARIN 2022-11: Clean-up of NRPM – Introduction of Sections 2.17 and 2.18.

AW stated that the shepherds revised the definition of “Internet resources” per the staff and legal review. There were comments on PPML objecting to defining technology terms with other technology terms. AW believed it was the best way to define this particular term.

It was moved by AW, and seconded by BJ, that:

“The ARIN Advisory Council moves ‘Draft Policy ARIN 2022-11: Clean-up of NRPM – Introduction of Section 2.17’ to Recommended Draft Policy status.”

The Vice Chair called for comments. She noted that there was a recommendation to define the definition in a less technical way than what the policy reflects. She stated that she did not have an issue but noted that there was discussion that a less tech version could be posted. She asked AW if she had considered this suggestion. AW responded that the shepherds did indeed consider it but believed that the definition from the staff and legal review seems to be the most prudent and safe definition for the Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM). The Vice Chair thanked her.

MW stated that he was in favor of the definition as it is written, as the person who had brought the idea forward. He believed it was a clear definition and it solidifies the term ‘Internet number resources’ used throughout the NRPM.

AW stated she would be happy to hold a Table Topic at ARIN 51.

AN agreed with MW stating it is a universal definition and makes sense.

CW stated that working on the assumption that if there is an RFC that succeeds RFC 7020 to update the definition, then the NRPM would be updated as well. The AC agreed it would be updated.

The motion carried with 13 in favor and no objections.

The Vice Chair requested a conformance statement from the policy shepherds.

11. Draft Policy ARIN 2022-12: Direct Allocation Language Update.

DC stated that he and LS worked on this policy and posted the updated the policy statement to the AC Wiki. They are looking for feedback so as to not create new definitions and to change the reference to ‘ARIN registered resources’ as the definition - as it makes the most logical sense. They want to make sure there is feedback from the AC, ARIN 51, and the staff and legal review. DC noted that there is no action to move it forward to recommended draft at this time.

12. ARIN AC Working Groups

  • Number Resource Policy Manual Working Group (NRPM WG) Update. CT stated that the WG came up with a workplan to go through the NRPM and will focus on parts of Section 4. They will focus on sections that can be removed without doing harm to the NRPM and other sections where there is significant clarification required. He stated that they all have homework to use a tool MW proposed - a spreadsheet will be used to follow the Sections in the NRPM and give opinions as to which sections fall into which categories and then make some proposals on a way forward.

  • Policy Experience Report Working Group (PER WG) Update. AW stated that the WG held their first meeting last week. Four topics were discussed: three on waitlist and one on out-of-region use policy. They will discuss these at the table topics during ARIN 51, and then either move to draft policy or retire the ideas after the meeting.

    CT stated that he thought the text in the section regarding out of region use was not exclusive and things that need to apply in certain situations need not be added, as the points are not exclusive of other points. He believed that staff had withdrawn the request to look at it. AW thanked CT and stated that she will confirm it with the CCO and move forward.

13. Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business.

  • Changes in Employment and Affiliation. The Vice Chair stated, at a request of the Chair, that the Chair is now on the NANOG NomCom, and he wanted AC to be aware.
  • April AC F2F Meeting - Tampa, FL. The Chair reviewed the deadlines with the AC.
    • Staff and Legal Review Deadline. The Vice Chair stated the deadline has passed (1 March). If anyone wants a review done, it needs to be done by today and it may make it into the discussion guide. After today the time is up.

    • Policy Text Freeze Deadline. The Vice Chair noted tomorrow is the deadline for all text changes (17 March).

    • ARIN 51 Slide Decks. The Vice Chair stated that staff will send information next week and deadline will be 7 April. If you are unable to attend ARIN 51 and are the primary policy shepherd, be sure the secondary policy shepherd is ready to present, if necessary. Secondary shepherds are more than welcome to present if they are ready to do so, otherwise the primary shepherd will present the slide deck.

      CT noted that he spoke with KK regarding presenting the update for 2022-2 to give KK the opportunity. The Vice Chair stated that if KK is ready, CT and KK can switch shepherd roles. CT stated that they will discuss it.

      Staff noted that both primary and secondary shepherds will have access to the slide decks, and presentations will be listed on the ARIN 51 agenda.

    • Table Topic Volunteers. The Vice Chair stated there is one remaining table topic that needs a volunteer. She noted a Slack will be sent to the AC. MW called upon the members of the NRPM WG to consider presenting it, as it pertains to the NRPM.

14. Adjournment

The Vice Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 4:38 PM ET. CT moved to adjourn, seconded by DC. The meeting adjourned with no objections.