Advisory Council Meeting Procedures

In-Person Meetings

(Approximately Three Annually)

  • January: Training, standing rules overview, review of current proposals, workshop for specific issues (if necessary)
  • April: Meetings during the second-quarter Public Policy & Members Meetings
  • October: Meetings during the fourth-quarter Public Policy & Members Meetings
  • Optional: Attend other RIR and NANOG Meetings


(Approximately Nine Annually)

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Procedure for Approval of the ARIN Advisory Council Meeting Minutes.

  1. Within three (3) business days after an AC meeting, ARIN staff will send Draft Minutes in the body of an e-mail to the ARIN AC for any comments/revisions.
  2. Within five (5) business days the AC will respond to staff and the AC’s list with any suggested changes. No response within the five (5) business days will be taken as acceptance of the Minutes as written. Staff will incorporate changes into the Minutes, and send them back to AC for final acceptance.
  3. The AC’s final acceptance is required within an additional three (3) business days, if substantive changes are required. No response will be taken as final acceptance of the Minutes by the end of the 3rd day.
  4. The Minutes will be posted to the ARIN website as Draft within two (2) business days after AC review.
  5. At the next regularly scheduled AC meeting, the AC will officially approve the Minutes, and staff will request removal of the draft header.