2021 ARIN Community Grant Program Recipients

2021 ARIN Community Grant Program Recipients

2021 Applications
Applications 8
Organization Type 1 association, 2 corporations, 5 "other" orgs
Organization Region 1 Canada, 5 United States, 1 Caribbean, 1 outside ARIN region
Category (some projects identified multiple categories) 1 Internet technical improvements, 1 registry processes and technology improvements, 5 informational outreach, 8 research
Total funding requested (USD) $108,485
Average funding requested (USD) $13,561
Projects selected to receive a grant 3
Total funding provided (USD) $34,975

Project reports provided by grant recipients.

Raising Awareness on Digital Standards for ARIN Region Countries

Read the Project Report on the ARIN Blog

Diplo US
Washington, D.C., USA
Grant amount: $15,000

The ARIN Community Grant Program project awarded to Diplo US, “Raising Awareness on Digital Standards for ARIN Region Countries,” focused on the role of international digital standard setting. It undertook an in-depth mapping of the involvement of the ARIN service region countries in digital standard setting organizations (SDOs). The project produced a mapping report and two online events.

The mapping report helped raise awareness about digital standards among the small, developing countries in the ARIN service region. Through an overview of digital standards and their development at the international level, it highlighted that digital standards are relevant not only from a technical point of view but also have broader economic, social, and political implications. As such, standards (should) matter, not only for those who develop them but for the broader tech sector, as well as governments and end users. Moreover, given the relevance of standards for the seamless functioning of digital technologies, products, and services, their development must reflect the views and interests of as many stakeholders from developed and developing countries as possible.

After analyzing the extent to which stakeholders from ARIN countries participate in several key international SDOs, the report argued in favor of more participation from these countries in international standard-setting, as well as the need to address the standardization gap – the imbalance in participation in international standardization, particularly between developed and developing countries. The ways forward in achieving greater participation are included in the recommendations and were discussed in detail during the two online events.

The project raised awareness and helped achieve the more active engagement of developing countries and their stakeholders in the setting of international standards for digital technologies. It also worked towards leveraging the role of regional SDOs in facilitating the participation of their members in international SDOs.

IPv6 Integrated Database – Phase Two

Read the Project Report on the ARIN Blog

Saatvik Research
Silver Springs, Nevada, USA
Grant amount: $14,975

The project proceeded to completion of the integration of the IPv6 address acquisition data with the NIST service enablement data. BGP data was also integrated. Programmatic and manual validation of the integrated dataset was completed. The first set of metrics was also completed. The anticipated outcomes was the successful completion of the integration. We also anticipated to continue to see some outlier negative day counts indicating the service enablement dates occurred prior to the IPv6 acquisition dates.

Of the 1000 entities tracked by NIST, 727 could be matched to an ARIN org_id. Of the 727 matched Org id, 551 had no IPv6 address provisioned by ARIN, 176 had IPv6 addresses provisioned by ARIN. Of the 727, 231 services were found IPv6-enabled as reported by NIST (BGP=58, DNS=93, EMail=32, Web=48). This is services only, it does not indicate 231 of 727 had services IPv6 enabled. Some of these enabled services fell into the negative date condition.

The unanticipated outcomes was the shift in entity:domain ratios between the time NIST deployed the monitor and the date of the integration. The level of effort necessary for manual validation exceeded estimations. This is attributable to the number of years the NIST monitor has existed and the high number of business events (dissolutions, mergers & acquisitions) occurring during that time frame.

Virtual School of Internet Governance – Phase Two

Read the Project Report on the ARIN Blog

Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Grant amount: $5,000

The Virtual School of Internet Governance started as a necessity due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and it has become due in part to the support of ARIN community grants and the ARIN staff experts an international success. Starting with English courses we have expanded to include Spanish and French with an onus of showcasing local expertise in the language of their choice.

Our efforts have seen the delivery of seven English, three Spanish, and two French courses that are strictly online and absolutely free to all the participants. We have removed any financial barrier to anyone interested in taking the course and if their Internet bandwidth is poor they have the option to utilizing the mainly text content vs video or audio recordings. All the materials are can be downloaded and accessed at a later time. The complimentary resources have all been converted to e-books that are easily read on any platform and the course is configured for tablet and mobile use. We understand that people are busy and as online course they can access the course 24/7 and if they miss a weekly live presentation we upload all the recordings to our YouTube playlists.

Another major feature of our live presentations is a deliverable effort to have a balance of gender, north-south, variance in opinions and interactive sessions. Our goal is to continue making the course more accessible through additional language translation in the future.