Editorial Update ARIN-edit-2024-3

Edit Section 2

Status: Pending Implementation
Shepherds: Kendrick Knowles, Doug Camin

Current Text (1 March 2024)

Problem Statement:

A typo was discovered in the policy language that requires correction. An editorial change will accomplish this.

Policy Statement:

Current policy:

When possible subsequent assignments will result it the expansion of an existing assignment by one or more nibble boundaries as justified.

We propose that the text should be:

When possible subsequent assignments will result in the expansion of an existing assignment by one or more nibble boundaries as justified.

Timetable for Implementation: Immediate


This is an editorial change that was pointed out by a member of the community.

Staff Understanding:

This Editorial Update corrects a minor typo in section, Section 2 changing the word “it” to “in”. The text is clear and understandable.

Implementable as Written?: Yes

Impact on ARIN Registry Operations and Services: None

Legal Review: No material legal issue

Implementation Timeframe Estimate: 3 months

Implementation Requirements:

  • Updates to public documentation

Proposal/Draft Policy Text Assessed: 1 March 2024

History and Earlier Versions

Action Date
Proposal 1 March 2024
Editorial Update 26 March 2024
Advanced to Board of Trustees 21 May 2024
Adopted 3 June 2024

Board of Trustees

ARIN Public Policy Meetings