ACSP Suggestion 2011.36: Add Note to LogIn Field re: case sensitive


Author: Don Talbot   
Submitted On: 10 October 2011


Please add a note on the login page, near the login ID field to indicate that the login ID is case sensitive. It is fairly unusual for websites to have case sensitive ID’s. The vast majority of other secure type sites I use, including ALL of my banks, have case INSENSITIVE login ID’s.

I login to ARIN’s site somewhat infrequently and don’t remember that when I signed up, I used both upper and lower case in my login ID. I generally have to go open my password protected password list to remember that my ID is the reason my initial login attempts didn’t work, not the password. If the notice that the login ID field WAS case sensitive, I would use the right version of my password.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Closed   Updated: 26 March 2012

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

24 October 2011

ARIN will add this text in a future release of ARIN Online. The implementation of this feature is not yet scheduled and will be based on priority given to the engineering team.

We will keep 2011.36 open until we have delivered the functionality to production.

ARIN Comment

26 March 2012

With this past weekend’s deployment of an automated WhoWas service came some additional enhancements to ARIN Online and some bug fixes.

Per your suggestion, text was added to the ARIN Online login box explaining that both username and password are case sensitive. Suggestion 2011-36 is now closed. Thank you for participating in the ARIN
Consultation and Suggestion Process.