ACSP Suggestion 2007.6: Reclamation of IPv4 Allocations and Assignments


Author: Stephen Sprunk   
Submitted On: 21 March 2007


ARIN should begin active efforts to reclaim existing IPv4 allocations and assignments, in whole or in part, based on each organization’s ability to justify their existing address usage as if they were attempting a new allocation of the same size.

No organization shall be required to rejustify their allocations or assignments until 12 months have elapsed since their last successful new allocation/assignment or rejustification.

If resources are to be reclaimed, organizations will be given six months’ notice before resources in active use are revoked, and one months’ notice for resources not in active use.

ARIN shall report on the progress of reclamation activities at each public meeting.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Completed   Updated: 19 April 2007

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ARIN Comment

19 April 2007

Author referred to the Internet Resource Policy Development Process (IRPEP).

Regarding reclamation, ARIN does take back resources due to non-payment of invoices.

Suggestion 2007.6 is now closed.