ACSP Suggestion 2007.24: Add a Blog to Discuss Suggestions


Author: Michael Dillon   
Submitted On: 18 July 2007


Add a blog to the ARIN website to allow discussion of suggestions to be managed without a mailing list. In this day and age, more people are familiar with the use of blogs than with mailing lists.

The ARIN suggestions blog should post each suggestion as a blog entry. Then users can either use their ARIN mailing list credentials (MAILMAN password) to post an entry, or the usual captcha facility such as the security section of the suggestion page.

I believe this is doable using off-the-shelf freeware packages such as this one

The blog will be low traffic so it does not need a sophisticated database-backed system, just enough to allow ARIN members to discuss the merits of a suggestion.

The biggest driver for this is the disfunctionality of the ARIN members mailing list. I think this is partly because the small in-group of early Internet people who set up the first ISPs, have mostly moved on to specialized roles not involving IP addressing. The people who do have IP addressing responsibility in ARIN members, mostly are not from that group of early adopters and therefore neither understand mailing lists nor feel comfortable using them. If ARIN wants to consider itself an open organization then it must adapt to new Internet technologies as they come into the mainstream.

Timeframe: 2 months

Status: Completed   Updated: 02 August 2007

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

2 August 2007

ARIN is continually evaluating the ACSP and is working on defining improvements to how suggestions are submitted, discussed, implemented, and reported. This suggestion of handling the submission and discussion part in a blog format is something we have been looking at ourselves, however we are still investigating other approaches as well.

Suggestion 2007.24 is now closed.