Draft Policy ARIN-2011-10: Remove Single Aggregate requirement from Specified Transfer [Archived]


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Status: NRPM Section 8.2

Tracking Information

Discussion Tracking

Mailing List:

Formal introduction on PPML on 24 August 2011

Origin - ARIN-prop-144

Draft Policy - 24 August 2011 (with staff assessment)

Last Call - 19 October through 2 November 2011

AC recommended adoption - 22 November 2011

Public Policy Mailing List

ARIN Public Policy Meeting:


ARIN Advisory Council:

AC Shepherds:
Scott Leibrand and Stacy Hughes

ARIN Board of Trustees:

16 December 2011



30 January 2012

Draft Policy ARIN-2011-10
Remove Single Aggregate requirement from Specified Transfer

Date: 24 August 2011

Policy statement:

Modify Section 8.3 as follows: Change “can demonstrate the need for such resources, as a single aggregate, in the exact amount which they can justify under current ARIN policies” to “can demonstrate the need for such resources in the amount which they can justify under current ARIN policies”


The “as a single aggregate” has been interpreted to apply only to “demonstrate the need” as opposed to the resources which may be received by ARIN staff. It is possible that the original intent was to require than each transfer be of a single aggregate.

HOWEVER, as multiple Section 8.3 transfers may be executed serially by a pair of entities which wish to use the specified transfer policy in order to transfer any number of blocks as long as there is needs justification for each, it simply saves the transferring entity, the recipient, AND ARIN paperwork to allow a transfer of multiple blocks to proceed as a single transfer.

Timetable for implementation: immediate


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.