ARIN XIII Public Policy Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada - 19-20 April 2004 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

View video presentations from ARIN XIII on the ARIN Video Vault.

Public Policy Meeting, Day 1
Agenda Item Speaker Text Minutes Presentation (Read-Only)
Meeting Called to Order Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF
Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process Einar Bohlin HTML PDF
Regional Policy Updates and RIR Coordination Einar Bohlin HTML PDF
ASO AC Update Eric Decker HTML PDF
Internet Number Resource Status Report Leslie Nobile HTML PDF
NRO Update Axel Pawlik HTML PDF
IPv6 Working Group HTML
IETF IPv6 Activities - Update on Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses Thomas Narten HTML PDF
Adoption Perspectives of IPv6 Jordi Palet, IPv6 TF-SC HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-4: IPv6 Policy Changes ARIN Advisory Council HTML PDF
Open Microphone - AM HTML
Summary of Policy BoF Richard Jimmerson HTML
Policy Proposal 2004-3: Global Addresses for Private Network Inter-Connectivity Marla Azinger and Bill Copeland HTML PDF
ASO MoU Axel Pawlik HTML PDF
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) HTML
ISOC Presentation Lynn St. Amour HTML PDF
ICANN presentation Theresa Swinehart HTML PDF
RIR presentation Axel Pawlik HTML PDF
Open Microphone - WSIS HTML
Closing Announcements and Adjournment Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF
Public Policy Meeting, Day 2
Agenda Item Text Minutes Presentation (Read-Only)
Meeting Called to Order Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2004-2: Use of HD-Ratio for IPv4 Allocations Michael Dillon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2004-1: Defining Utilization of IPv4 addresses Michael Dillon HTML PDF
RTMA Working Group Cathy Wittbrodt HTML
Near-Real-Time Publication of Allocated Netblocks Leo Bicknell HTML PDF
ICANN Update Paul Verhoef HTML PDF
DBWG Cathy Murphy HTML PDF
Cryptographic Authentication Tim Christensen HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-16: POC Verification ARIN Advisory Council HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2004-4: Purpose and Scope of ARIN WHOIS Directory Michael Dillon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-9: WHOIS Acceptable Use Policy William Leibzon HTML PDF
Preview of Cataloging ARIN Policies and ARIN Glossary of Terms Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF
Maintenance Fee Update Lee Howard HTML PDF
SIARI - LACNIC’s Statistical Information System German Valdez HTML PDF
Analysis of Fragmentation of the Legacy Space Alvaro Garcia HTML PDF
Open Microphone HTML
Closing Announcements and Adjournment Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF


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Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.