A Fellowship Success Story: Alison Wood [Archived]
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We had the chance to chat with former fellow, Alison Wood, to hear why she initially decided to apply to the ARIN fellowship program. She shares how the fellowship experience led her to become a member of the ARIN Advisory Council, and gave her some “serious street cred” in the industry along the way. Read on to learn more about Alison’s story, and be sure to consider applying to the ARIN 43 fellowship in Barbados.
How did you first learn about the ARIN Fellowship? What made you decide to apply?
A co-worker had been our ARIN specialist and had even run for the ARIN Advisory Council. He had a great experience at the ARIN meetings but passed the baton to me. After reviewing ARIN meetings remotely, I applied for the fellowship.
We hold Public Policy and Members meetings twice annually. How many ARIN meetings have you attended?
I have attended four in person meetings and several remotely.
What do you think are the greatest benefits of the ARIN Fellowship?
ARIN Fellowships are AMAZING! ARIN meetings are full of information and interactive policy decisions. An ARIN Fellowship gives the attendee the opportunity to really learn the process, participate, ask questions, give feedback and all with the support of a mentor.
We love our growing community of ARIN fellows. What is your favorite aspect of being a part of that community?
It is wonderful to see the new faces in the crowd and to offer any guidance on how a proposal becomes a policy.
How has the ARIN fellowship helped you in your personal or professional life?
Through the Fellowship I gained the additional experience and knowledge needed to run and become a member of the ARIN Advisory Council. I couldn’t think of a greater honor, a path to give back to the community, and a way to pave the future than being a member of the AC. And… being a member of the ARIN community gives me serious street cred…
If you had one piece of advice to give a newcomer to an ARIN meeting, what would that be?
ARIN meetings can be a bit overwhelming. Before you come, read over the ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM), watch some awesome ARIN videos on YouTube, and never be intimidated to go to the mic and ask a question.
Sometimes our meetings can get pretty lively. (Who knew Internet number resource policy discussions could be fun!) Do you have a favorite or silly memory from an ARIN meeting?
My first ARIN meeting was quite dynamic and there were several heated statements from the microphone. As the first day came to a conclusion and the mic’s were open, I realized that despite differences of opinion, diverse industries and very colorful personalities, all that gave input did so for the benefit of the community and the progression of the internet.
Anything else you would like to add?
If you ever have the opportunity to apply for an ARIN Fellowship, DON’T HESITATE! I’m here to help and I promise that you won’t regret it!
Thank you so much for sharing your fellowship success story, Alison! For anyone interested in applying for a fellowship, click here to submit your application for the ARIN 44 Fellowship in Austin 31 October-1 November 2019.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.