Draft Policy ARIN-2011-13: IPv4 Number Resources for Use Within Region [Archived]


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Status: Abandoned

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Mailing List:

Formal introduction on PPML on 24 August 2011

Origin - ARIN-prop-155

Draft Policy - 24 August 2011 (with staff assessment)

Abandoned by the AC - 19 October 2011

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ARIN Public Policy Meeting:


ARIN Advisory Council:

AC Shepherds:
Bill Sandiford and Cathy Aronson

ARIN Board of Trustees:



Draft Policy ARIN-2011-13
IPv4 Number Resources for Use Within Region

Date: 24 August 2011

Policy statement:

Insert the following text in the NRPM: - Presence within the ARIN region
These IPv4 addresses are issued solely for use in networks within the ARIN region. Organizations requesting IPv4 addresses from ARIN must provide documentation to demonstrate the addresses will be used to number customers/devices within the ARIN region and must agree to use the addresses solely for that purpose. This requirement shall be binding only on number resources requested after its ratification by the ARIN Board of Trustees.

4.3.7 - Presence within the ARIN region
These IPv4 addresses are issued solely for use in networks within the ARIN region. Organizations requesting IPv4 addresses from ARIN must provide documentation to demonstrate the addresses will be used to number customers/devices within the ARIN region and must agree to use the addresses solely for that purpose. This requirement shall be binding only on number resources requested after its ratification by the ARIN Board of Trustees.


ICANN’s ICP-2 document established a framework for regional
Internet registries, each to serve a well-defined geographically
scoped constituency.

The various RIRs will exhaust their free-pools at different times.
This creates a situation in which requesting organizations attempt an
end-run on ICP-2 and the RIR framework by coming directly to ARIN for
space to use outside the ARIN region. In other cases, subsidiaries,
sister organizations located within the ARIN region, or global
organizations headquartered within the ARIN region have requested
space that is ultimately destined for use outside the ARIN region.
Failure to address this situation in a timely fashion will grant an
unfair advantage to large multinationals who will be able to “shop
around” requests for space and hasten RIR free pool runout in the ARIN

Leaving this loophole unaddressed is incompatible with ARIN’s
principle of stewardship.

This problem is not unique to ARIN. Similar proposals are under
consideration in the LACNIC and AFRINIC regions.

Timetable for implementation: Immediate


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.