ARIN Elections: Everything You Need to Know [Archived]
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With our second 2012 Public Policy and Members Meeting around the corner, it is just about time for ARIN elections. As usual, there are three distinct elections this year—one for the Board of Trustees, one for the Advisory Council (AC) and one for the NRO Number Council.
The opportunity to vote for the Board of Trustees and AC is the primary responsibility and benefit associated with ARIN Membership. The process may seem complex, so we’ve summarized our elections cycle to bring you up to speed.
The Process
Each ARIN Member has one registered Point of Contact within their organization called the Designated Member Representative (DMR) who is responsible for casting a vote on behalf of their organization in these elections. Voters may cast a vote for each open seat. Voters may not select more than the number of open seats, but they may choose to select fewer candidates than the number of open seats, or to cast a blank ballot.
Voting takes place through our Election Headquarters . Detailed voting instructions for returning and first-time voters can be found here.
In addition to ARIN DMRs, NANOG 56 and ARIN XXX meeting registrants on record as of 10 October are eligible to vote in the NRO NC election.
Meet the 2012 Candidates (* = incumbent)
**Board of Trustees -**There are two seats open on the Board and seven candidates running, including:
Paul Andersen of EGATE Networks / Canadian Internet Registration Authority*
Ron da Silva of Time Warner Cable
William Herrin of Exelis
Aaron Hughes of 6Connect Inc.
Martin Levy of Hurricane Electric
Dave Siegel of Level 3 Communications
Josh Snowhorn of Cyrus One
**Advisory Council—**There are six seats open and ten candidates running, including:
Jesse Geddis of LA Broadband LLC
Frank Hoonhout of State of Oregon
Stacy Hughes of tw telecom*
George Morton of Madisol
Milton Mueller of Syracuse University School of Information Studies Internet Governance Project
Brandon Ross of Network Utility Force
Bill Sandiford of TELNET Communications Inc / Canadian Network Operators Consortium*
Heather Schiller of Verizon Business*
Rob Seastrom of Time Warner Cable*
John Springer of Inland Telephone
**NRO NC—**There is one seat open and two candidates running, including:
Andrew Dul of Cascadeo Corporation
Louis Lee of Equinix, Inc.*
Biographies and Statements of Support for each candidate can be found here .
Mark your calendar and plan to vote!
**17 October 2012—**Voting opens for the NRO NC (at 0900 ET)
**24 October 2012—**Voting opens for the BoT and AC, voting for the NRO NC closes (at 1700 ET)
25 October 2012—NRO Number Council winner is announced
**3 November 2012—**Voting for the BoT and AC closes (at 1700 ET)
10 November—Board and AC Representatives are announced
1 January 2013—Board, AC, and NRO Number Council Representative terms begin
To learn more about ARIN elections, visit our Election Headquarters .
Questions may be directed to info@arin.net.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.