ARIN Fraud Reporting Results - 3rd Quarter 2016 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

Fraud Reports Received
Date/Ticket Number Report Type Actions Taken
20160702-F2705 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160707-F2706 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160712-F2707 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160713-F2708 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160713-F2709 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160713-F2710 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160725-F2711 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160728-F2712 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160803-F2713 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160803-F2714 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160803-F2715 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160807-F2716 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160807-F2717 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160808-F2718 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160816-F2719 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160822-F2720 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160903-F2721 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160913-F2722 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160918-F2723 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160925-F2724 Out of scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process

Total Fraud reports received this quarter = 20

Investigation Results

ARIN received a total of twenty fraud reports during the 3rd quarter of 2016.

Twenty fraud reports received during this quarter were reports of incidents related to phishing, spam, identity theft, etc. ARIN did not investigate any of these reports, because they are outside the scope of ARIN’s mission.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.