ARIN Fraud Reporting Results - 2nd Quarter 2013 [Archived]


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Fraud Reports Received
Date/Ticket Number Report Type Actions Taken
20130408-F1256 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130410-F1276 Invalid phone number on POC handle Contacted ISP and asked them to provide a valid phone number
20130411-F1257 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130419-F1277 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130425-F1278 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130430-F1279 Report of falsified justification information Still investigating
20130518-F1280 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130527-F1297 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130606-F1298 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130606-F1299 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130609-F1300 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130610-F1281 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130613-F1282 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130614-F1301 Invalid phone number on handle Contacted registrant and asked them to provide a valid phone number
20130614-F1302 Invalid contact info Contacted registrant and asked them to provide updated information
20130616-F1303 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130616-F1304 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130618-F1305 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130618-F1306 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130618-F1307 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130620-F1308 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130622-F1309 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130623-F1283 Non-ARIN Fraud Advised customer report was out of scope
20130628-F1310 Report of Falsified SWIP information Still investigating

Total Fraud reports received this quarter = 24

Investigation Results

ARIN received a total of twenty-four fraud reports during the 2nd quarter of 2013. Three reports identified invalid information in the ARIN Whois database, which ARIN followed up on by contacting the ISP or registrant and asking for updated information. Two reports focused on fraudulent information being submitted to ARIN, one for IP justification and one for SWIP. ARIN is still in the process of investigating both of these reports.

Nineteen fraud reports received during this quarter were reports of incidents related to phishing, spam, identity theft, etc. ARIN did not investigate any of these reports, because they are outside the scope of ARIN’s mission. ARIN’s response to each of these reports was to notify the reporter that the fraud reporting process is restricted to matters specifically related to ARIN’s mission and area of authority such as false utilization reporting, number resource hijacking in ARIN’s database, and other activity involving fraudulent submissions to ARIN or fraudulent changes to data in ARIN’s Whois. In each of these report responses, ARIN staff provides additional useful information, including information on querying Whois, contact information for the network operator associated with a given IP address, etc. No further action was taken.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.