ARIN Fraud Reporting Results - 2nd Quarter 2012 [Archived]


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Fraud Reports Received
Date/Ticket Number Report Type Actions Taken
20120404-F994 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120412-F975 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120419-F995 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120422-F996 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120424-F976 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120426-F997 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120502-F977 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120512-F1001 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120513-F1002 Report of inefficiently used legacy /16 No falsified information submitted to receive or transfer the resources. Replied with information on auditing procedures and 8.3 transfers
20120525-F978 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120605-F979 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120606-F1003 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120607-F980 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120608-F1004 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120611-F1005 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120616-F1006 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120618-F1007 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120618-F981 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120621-F1008 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120624-F982 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120626-F983 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120627-F984 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity
20120629-F985 Fraud Outside ARIN Scope Replied with information on reporting the activity

Total Fraud reports received this quarter = 23

Investigation Results

ARIN received a total of twenty-three fraud reports during the 2nd quarter of 2012. One fraud report pertained to an inefficiently used legacy /16. Staff researched this and found that no falsified information had been submitted to receive or transfer the IP address block. Twenty-two fraud reports received during this quarter were reports of incidents related to phishing, spam, identity theft, stalking/harassment, etc. ARIN did not investigate any of these reports, because they are outside the scope of ARIN’s mission. ARIN’s response to each of these reports was to notify the reporter that the fraud reporting process is restricted to matters specifically related to ARIN’s mission and area of authority such as false utilization reporting, number resource hijacking in ARIN’s database, and other activity involving fraudulent submissions to ARIN or fraudulent changes to data in ARIN’s Whois. In each of these report responses, ARIN staff provides additional useful information, including information on querying Whois, contact information for the network operator associated with a given IP address, etc. No further action was taken.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.