ARIN-prop-243: Amend the definition of Community Network [Archived]


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Date: 08/14/2017

Proposal Originator: Alyssa Moore

**Problem Statement: **

The Community Networks section of the NRPM has not been used since implementation in January 2010. Proposal ARIN-2016-7, to increase the number of use cases, was abandoned by the Advisory Council due to lack of feedback. Proposal ARIN 2017-2, to remove all mention of community networks from NRPM was met with opposition by the community. Many responded that the definition of “community network” was too narrow, which could be the reason for lack of uptake.

**Policy statement: **


“2.11. Community Network

A community network is any network organized and operated by a volunteer group operating as or under the fiscal support of a nonprofit organization or university for the purpose of providing free or low-cost connectivity to the residents of their local service area. To be treated as a community network under ARIN policy, the applicant must certify to ARIN that the community network staff is 100% volunteers.”


“2.11 Community Network

A community network is a network organized and operated by a volunteer group, not-for-profit, non-profit, charitable organization, or educational institution for the purpose of providing free or low-cost connectivity, or other Information Technology services to persons or entities within their community. Critical functions may be handled by paid staff, but volunteers play a large role in offering services available through community networks.”


a. Timetable for implementation: Immediate


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.