Draft Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process FAQ [Archived]


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Why is ARIN updating the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process?

The existing process has been in use since April, 2001. With over two years of practice with the existing process, it has become apparent there are some improvements needed to make the process more efficient.

How has the current process been improved?

One of the significant improvements in the revised process is that the text clearly defines what is meant by policies, “Policies are documented community decisions that determine the rules by which Internet number resources are managed and administered by ARIN.” There is also an explanation of what constitutes a policy proposal. The revised process alleviates the situation where everything submitted is considered a policy proposal and must be presented at a Public Policy Meeting regardless of relevance to numbering resource policy. The result of the definitions in the revised process is that the largest amount of time can be allocated to discussion of proposals that are relevant to numbering resource policy at Public Policy Meetings.

Do the revisions limit my access to the policy process in any way?

No. Revisions to the process document are designed to increase your access to the process. The new process document makes it possible to advance your policy proposal to the public policy meeting, and ultimately to the Board of Trustees for review, without having to gain the full support of the Advisory Council. This is made possible by the addition of the petition and last call petition processes described in the document.

Why is there a policy proposal template now?

The template is a guide to help authors provide the minimum required amount of information needed for a policy proposal.

When will the revised process be put into place?

The revised process will take effect upon approval by the ARIN Board of Trustees in the coming months.

What about existing proposals, under which process will they be evaluated?

Policy proposals which are being reviewed now will follow the current evaluation process through completion. New proposals will follow the revised process, once it has been approved by the ARIN Board of Trustees.

Will this document be translated into languages other than English?

Yes. French and Spanish versions of the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process will be made available.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.