ARIN 42 Day 2 Daily Recap [Archived]
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Today marked the second and final day of the ARIN 42 Public Policy and Members Meeting. These meetings always seem to come and go in a flash! We enjoyed networking with friends old and new in Vancouver. Here’s a bird’s eye view of what happened on the final day of ARIN 42.
The Final Day
After breakfast, John Curran, President and CEO, kicked us off with the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Activities Report. Louie Lee, NRO Number Council (NC) Member, followed John and presented both the NRO NC Report and the IANA Review Committee Report.
Mark Kosters, Chief Technology Officer, was up next to share updates about our Engineering Department. We learned about what we’ve accomplished since ARIN 41 and upcoming projects we’ll be working on, including the exciting launch of our new website!
Chris Tacit, ARIN Advisory Council (AC) Member, introduced our final draft policy of the meeting:
After a lively community discussion, Leslie Nobile, Senior Director of Global Registry Knowledge, took to the stage to discuss our strategies for engaging with and supporting regional and global law enforcement.
After a break, we held an open mic session and then we concluded the Public Policy Meeting. John Curran immediately opened the Members Meetings and the first presentation was from John Sweeting, Senior Director of Registration Services, sharing an update about our Registration Services department. We learned about the status of IPv4, IPv6 and current staff. Tina Morris, AC Chair, came to the microphone next to present the Advisory Council Report where she offered kind words to John Springer who has served six years on the Advisory Council and will not be running for reelection. He was acknowledged with a standing ovation. Nancy Carter, Board of Trustees Treasurer, explained the state of our finances in her ARIN Financial Report, before Paul Andersen, Board of Trustees Chair, gave the final presentation of the day with updates from the Board of Trustees. Paul offered more words of thanks to Cathy Handley and Nate Davis who are both retiring at the end of this year, John Springer for his years of service on the Advisory Council, and Aaron Hughes who has served on the Board of Trustees. He too received a standing ovation for his dedicated service!
We concluded the meeting with another open mic session where we heard words of gratitude for the community, staff, the Board of Trustees, the Advisory Council and the Fellowship Program. What a productive and fun meeting! Thank you to all who participated in ARIN 42.
If you want to refer to anything you’ve seen so far, the slides from the meeting have been posted online. In the coming days, full transcripts and webcasts from the meeting will be made available as well.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for ARIN 43 in sunny Bridgetown, Barbados 7-10 April 2019. We are accepting applications for the ARIN fellowship to ARIN 43, so be sure to apply if you are interested!
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#arin42 in @Vancouver great presentations, impressive group of people discussing important ideas pic.twitter.com/xMlkecxv2n
— Michael (@linuxmagic) October 4, 2018
#ARIN42 Day 2 pic.twitter.com/HJaicKbmSz
— Brian Jones (@brianjusa) October 5, 2018
Louie wears many hats. #ARIN42
— Rob Szarka has been fully exonerated (@szarka) October 5, 2018
#ARIN42 Day 2 is off to a great start with a solid breakfast. Voting is now open and closes Friday, October 12. pic.twitter.com/cD8o1vDSR2
— IVIik|Ξ Arbrouet (@mikearbrouet) October 5, 2018
"The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is an ICANN-facing body while the Number Resource Organization (NRO) is a Regional Internet Registry-facing body. The two bodies are connected but have different responsibilities." https://t.co/WogrnkBeVv #ARIN42
— Soren C Sorensen (@SorenCSorensen) October 5, 2018
Take me to the ARIN 43 Day 3 Daily Recap !
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.