ARIN 32 Daily Recap: Public Policy Meeting [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Straight from the Phoenix, here’s your recap of what happened during day one of ARIN 32 today.
Note: If you missed out on today’s meeting, no worries, you can still join us from your home or office tomorrow via our remote participation options. Day 2 of ARIN 32 begins at 9:00 AM (MST) tomorrow morning, and there’s still time for you to register to join us!
Early today we enjoyed a great breakfast with ARIN meeting first timers, where they were welcomed and given all the information they need to know to participate in the ARIN community.
Soon after the Public Policy Portion of ARIN 32 began with 173 people onsite and 22 remote participants. First up were reports on AC on-docket proposals, comparative regional policy development process, and a planned ARIN customer survey.
Draft policy blocks scheduled during the day included:
ARIN 32 participants had a lot to say regarding the merits of each draft proposal and provided a lot of productive feedback on each.
During the day we asked the community how ARIN meetings should be set up in the future, and recommended you fill out this survey to collect your feedback . Also, ICANN presented on IANA and DNS. And each of the other four RIRs (AFRINIC, APNIC, LACNIC, and the RIPE NCC) gave updates on their respective regions.
At our lunch break attendees chose to sit a table discussing an important topic including:
IPv4 transfers: The role of needs assessments and the future of the market
Global role for RIRs: Is there a need for harmony?
Challenges for small ISPs in today’s IP address environment
The format of ARIN meetings: How often? With whom? Where?
Draft Policy ARIN-2013-6: Allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 Address Space to Out-of-region Requestors
ARIN customer survey (Q1 2014)
Draft Policy ARIN-2013-7: Merge IPv4 ISP and End-User Requirements
In the middle of the day, the ARIN elections opened, coinciding with a presentation on new voting procedures. Candidates for the NRO NC, Advisory Council, and Board of Trustees gave a short introduction and explanation on why you should vote for them.
Additionally, reports were given on the NRO as an organization and the NRO Number Council, and Leslie Nobile gave a presentation on ARIN policy implementation and experience.
Last but not least, the Public Policy portion of ARIN 32 concluded with an open policy hour and open microphone session.
If missed something or you want to revisit any session again, we post all of our meeting materials and presentations online.
Whether you attended in person or remotely, please take a couple minutes to fill out a quick survey about the meeting to let us know what you liked or disliked about the event.
We’ll be back tomorrow for Day 2 of ARIN 32: the Members Meeting. This programming is open to everyone and will include important updates you won’t want to miss. If you aren’t with us here in Phoenix, please join us remotely via one of our multiple remote participation options, including a live webcast, a test YouTube stream, audio, or text transcripts.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.