IPv6? There's a wiki for that! (And much more.) [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
At Team ARIN we like to bang the IPv6 adoption tambourine. We’re happy to tell you all about the issues related to IPv4 depletion and provide the information you need to understand about preparing to transition to IPv6 addressing. Over at our “official” website, ARIN staff can help you with all your Internet number resource needs. The only thing we can’t (and shouldn’t) do is tell you what to do with your networks or how to actually deploy IPv6.
Before you say “well thanks for nothing,” we’d like to tell you what we can do to help you answer the really big “What now?” questions. Since 2008, ARIN has hosted an IPv6 wiki - http://www.getipv6.info - to provide a neutral location for folks like you to share their experiences with IPv6 deployment. It is there for your use; we just make sure the lights stay on. Remember, the quality of the content is completely dependent on user contributions, so get out there and share your experience and questions! Currently there are three major categories:
IPv6 education and research has book reviews, links to presentations and results of Global IPv6 surveys. There is a whole lot happening in the world of IPv6: this is a good place to find out what the experts are saying. If you know of a resource that isn’t here and should be, by all means add it: that is what this section is for.
Deployment and migration planning information includes details on setting up your own IPv6 lab, draft IPv6 addressing plans, discussions about provider and customer issues, and acts as a general repository for users to post their experience getting started. If you’re trying to figure out what you should be doing: this is where you want to look. You’ve already completed this step? Share your story. Believe us, people want to know!
IPv6 usage features information on management tools, operating system support, relay services, troubleshooting, and other related discussions. Because after reading up and getting set up, you are going to want to keep your IPv6 network running smoothly, right? If you are actively running IPv6, come tell folks how it’s working for you. If you are having problems, check here because you might not be the only one.
The wiki also includes vendor lists and access to educational materials on the ARIN website. You can also get access to all our educational materials right here at TeamARIN. If we made it any easier, we’d be sitting with you at your desk and clicking your mouse!
So check out our educational material, and when you do if there is something you think we can explain more clearly or a topic we are missing, let us know. Help us help you by letting us know what you need; that is what we are here for!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.