Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 17 November 2014 [Archived]


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17 November 2014


  • Vint Cerf, Chair

  • Paul Andersen,Treasurer/ Vice Chair

  • John Curran, President & CEO

  • Timothy Denton, Secretary

  • Aaron Hughes, Trustee

  • Bill Sandiford, Trustee

  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

Note Taker:

  • Thérèse Colosi

ARIN Staff:

  • Nate Davis, COO


  • Stephen Ryan, Esq

1. Welcome & Agenda Review

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. EST. The presence of a quorum was noted. It was noted Aaron Hughes would be delayed. The Chair called for any comments on the agenda.

The President requested two items be added to Any Other Business: 1) Board participation at Advisory Council meetings; and, 2) an update regarding the Net Mundial Initiative and the recent ISOC press release. The Chair agreed to add these items to the agenda.

A) Approval of the Minutes.

B) Action Taken Without a Meeting

On November 7, 2014, the ARIN Board appointed Mr. Bill Woodcock and Mr. John Sweeting as the community representatives to the CRISP team, additionally appointing Mr. Michael Abejuela as the non-voting ARIN staff support member. The Board confirms this action taken without a meeting.

C) 2015 Board Travel Matrix

Trustees to send travel preferences to the Chair and Vice Chair before the end of this year.

It was moved by Paul Andersen, and seconded by Bill Sandiford, that:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees approves the Consent Agenda as presented.”

The Chair called for any comments. The President stated that the meeting minutes were all updated per the Board’s feedback during review period; action taken without a meeting was an informational item on the agenda for purpose of the minutes; and, the Board travel matrix was per travel policy in planning Board travel for 2015.

Aaron Hughes joined the meeting at this time (1:05 p.m. EST). The Chair updated him on the meeting progression thus far.

The motion carried with no objections.

3. Public Service Outages Update

The President provided a brief update to the Board for closure on this item regarding power outages that had occurred last May with the UPS at the ARIN office. As a result of these issues, ARIN recently moved some systems to a co-location facility (such as business systems, billing systems and ARIN e-mail) with copies kept at the ARIN office.

Bill Woodcock applauded the move and asked that the Board receive notification that a disaster recovery plan, including analysis of failure modes, has been tested and that the results be provided to the Board within the next year. The President agreed and indicated that it would be added to ARIN’s operations plan for the coming year.

The Chair asked if there was back-up, other than the co-location facility, with regard to production servers and data. The President stated that there were two major facilities, and public-facing server sites with off-site data backup.

4. General Counsel Update

Counsel stated there was no update at this time. The President stated the Board’s Conflict of Interest statements for January 2015 are currently being drafted for review.

5. Any Other Business

Board Members at AC Meetings

John Sweeting, outgoing AC Chair, recently sent a request from the AC to the Board, requesting that Board members occasionally attend the AC’s meetings. The AC would like better communication with the Board and believes this would enhance communication between the two bodies. Paul Andersen stated that he would like to understand better why the AC believes this is necessary, and asked the President to raise the matter at the AC’s face-to-face meeting in January.

The Chair acknowledged that the AC wanted the Board to be informed. He wondered if there would be any compromise for a Board member to participate in AC meetings. The President did not believe so unless the Board privately advocated for a specific outcome and the AC took action in that direction, rather than the community’s direction.

The President stated that the AC occasionally had concerns with regard to how they get their job done, outside the scope of policy development. For example: Do we have enough ARIN meetings, and are they long enough? Do we have the right ratio of policy to other things in ARIN meetings and the right amount of moderation?
Paul Andersen suggested these questions be put on the table, rather than having random Board member participation. He suggested the Board make time for new AC Chair to be a guest at one of the Board’s face-to-face meeting to discuss these matters. The Chair agreed and recommended discussion with the new AC Chair with regard to the amount of time needed for work.

The President had no objection to an additional liaison. Paul Andersen suggested the President respond to the AC that the Board acknowledged their concerns and will work with new AC Chair in January to improve communication. Bill Woodcock believed that a liaison would do disservice to the President, as he was the liaison. He suggested asking the AC what they wanted before implementing anything.

The President stated he would draft an appropriate message to the AC for the Board to review.

The NETmundial Initiative & ISOC Announcement

The President stated that ARIN is monitoring this initiative but that ARIN has no specific position as an organization on the matter. If there are activities that might be useful for ARIN’s participation, he will bring that to the Board’s attention. The President stated that the ISOC Board met and issued a press release that they will not be participating in the initiative.

5. Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 1:42 p.m. EST. Bill Sandiford moved to adjourn, seconded by Aaron Hughes. The meeting adjourned with no objections.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.