Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 20 June 2008 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.



  • John Curran, Chair
  • Scott Bradner, Secretary
  • Lee Howard, Treasurer
  • Bill Manning, Trustee
  • Ray Plzak, President
  • Paul Vixie, Trustee
  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

ARIN Staff:

  • Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary
  • Nate Davis, COO
  • Susan Hamlin, Director Member Services
  • Cathy Handley, Executive Director Government Affairs
  • Richard Jimmerson, CIO
  • Mark Kosters, CTO
  • Mary K Lee, Director, H.R./Business Admin
  • Leslie Nobile, Director Registration Services
  • Bob Stratton, Director Financial Services

ARIN Counsel:

  • Stephen M. Ryan, ESQ

1. Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. EDT. The presence of quorum was noted.

2. Agenda Bashing

The Chair called for any comments. Lee Howard requested adding a discussion regarding address space being offered on E-bay. The Chair added this under any other business as Item 8. A.

3. Approval of the Minutes

Scott Bradner, as Secretary, moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees adopts the Minutes of the April 7, 2008 meeting, as written.”

(Paul Vixie joined at this time, 3:33 pm EDT.)

This was seconded by Lee Howard. The Chair called for any comments. There were no comments.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

4. Bylaws Changes

Bill Manning had suggested, via the Board’s list, that the words “…general members in good standing…” be inserted in the second sentence so that the sentence reads:

“Quorum shall be defined as the portion of the eligible general members in good standing which has been offered, by electronic or postal delivery, during the Election Period, the opportunity to vote.”

Ray Plzak had replied to the list that this could be done during this teleconference.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees changes Article VI, Section 4.g., to read:

‘Article VI, Section 4.g., Voting. Each General Member in good standing, through its designated member representative, shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for each Trustee vacancy. Quorum shall be defined as the portion of the eligible general members in good standing which has been offered, by electronic or postal delivery, during the Election Period, the opportunity to vote. The President shall certify a list of eligible voters and the Secretary shall confirm the President’s review. Eligible voters shall vote electronically using a procedure approved by the Board of Trustees and made publicly available on the ARIN website.”

This was seconded by Ray Plzak. The Chair called for any comments. Scott felt that the procedure in the Bylaws for ARIN Advisory Council (AC) was not ideal, and should state that the processes are the same as they are for the Board, rather than reiterate an almost identical motion, for speed and clarity. He suggested this be implemented for future Bylaws changes that affect the Board and AC. Ray Plzak stated that ARIN staff has been working on such a procedural change and it would be presented at the next Board meeting.

A brief discussion ensued on whether or not to wait until the procedural change was in place, or to vote on the Bylaws motion as stated. It was the sense of the Board to vote on the motion stated since it was a change relevant to the operation of the organization.

The Chair called for any further comments. Lee Howard stated that the wording of the Bylaws, as stated, leaves an opportunity for staff to be able to choose the 10% for quorum, if an underhanded staff were inclined to do so. Scott Bradner explained that the underlying text does not state that ARIN offers voting to all members that ARIN can reach; it states ARIN offers voting to the members that can vote.

The Chair asked Lee if he felt the Board should proceed. Lee admitted that he should have stated this observation earlier, but was not comfortable that the Board was improving the transparency and openness of elections by making this Bylaws change. He was reminded that the Board already passed this Bylaw change at their meeting on April 7th, and that this new motion was only a technical change to insert the words Bill Manning had suggested.

(Counsel joined at this time - 3:39 pm EDT.) Brief discussion ensued regarding a withdrawal of the motion. After discussing, Scott Bradner stated he was not withdrawing the motion.

Hearing no further comments the Chair called for a roll call vote.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

B. This Bylaw also needs to be amended with regard to the ARIN Advisory Council.

Scott Bradner moved:

“In order to retain symmetry between the ARIN Board and ARIN AC processes, the ARIN Board of Trustees changes Article VIII, Section 4.e., to read:

‘Article VIII, Section 4.e., Voting. Each General Member in good standing, through its designated member representative, shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for each Advisory Council vacancy. Quorum shall be defined as the portion of the eligible general members in good standing which has been offered, by electronic or postal delivery, during the Election Period, the opportunity to vote. The President shall certify a list of eligible voters and the Secretary shall confirm the President’s review. Eligible voters shall vote electronically using a procedure approved by the Board of Trustees and made publicly available on the ARIN website.’”

This was seconded by Bill Manning. The Chair called for any comments. There were no comments.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

5. Ratification of Policy Proposals

At their meeting on April 9, 2008, the ARIN Advisory Council recommended that ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the following policy proposals:

A. Policy Proposal 2007-21: IPv6 for Legacy Holders with RSA and Efficient Use. The Board reviewed the policy text.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2007-21: IPv6 for Legacy Holders with RSA and Efficient Use”.

This was seconded by Ray Plzak. The Board reviewed the policy text. The Chair called for comments. Lee Howard stated that he greatly appreciated the supporting documentation and thanked ARIN staff. The Chair then asked if any Board members disagreed with ratifying the proposal. There were no objections.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

B. Policy Proposal 2007-23: End Policy for IANA IPv4 Allocations to RIRs. The Board reviewed the policy text.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2007-23: End Policy for IANA IPv4 Allocations to RIRs”.

This was seconded by Lee Howard. The Board reviewed the policy text. The Chair called for comments. There were no further comments.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

C. Policy Proposal 2008-1: SWIP Support for Smaller than /29. The Board reviewed the policy text.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2008-1: SWIP Support for Smaller than /29.”

This was seconded by Bill Manning. The Board reviewed the policy text. The Chair called for comments. Bill Manning explained this made sure that the documentation process stayed current with the size of blocks that are allocated. The Chair asked the President if there was any impact on staff. The President stated there was no great impact on staff. It was the sense of the Board to support this proposal.

The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

D. Policy Proposal 2007-17: Legacy Outreach and Partial Reclamation. At their meeting on June 20, 2008, the ARIN Advisory Council recommended that ARIN Board of Trustees adopt the following policy proposal.

Scott Bradner moved:

“The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the ARIN Advisory Council, and noting that the Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2007-17: Legacy Outreach and Partial Reclamation.”

This was seconded by Bill Manning. The Board reviewed the policy text. The Chair called for comments. The Chair asked if the Board had any concerns regarding implementation Ray Plzak replied that he did not. Bill Manning stated it was a way to get legacy space under the RSA, and it was a brand new process. He explained that one did not have to sign a Legacy RSA. The Chair stated that under the Legacy RSA there is beneficial fee treatment, however, now they have a choice.

The Chair asked if anyone was against adopting the proposal. Lee Howard raised the issue of the staff making judgments and wanted it as risk free as possible. He stated that Counsel had concerns because this allows for more discretion and latitude.

The Chair asked President if the proposal had gone through legal review. The President stated it had indeed gone through legal review. After brief discussion, the Chair tabled the topic for one more legal review regarding language and consequences.

The President requested Lee Howard send the Board his concerns, via email. Lee agreed to do so. Bill Manning stressed that a proposal of this kind is needed, even if it is not this proposal. Scott Bradner stated that the proposal should not give staff flexibility; and should imply the suggested criterion that exists as part of the Legacy RSA.

Scott then offered to withdraw the motion. Chair called for objections. There were no objections and the motion was withdrawn.

6. Joint NRO Declaration

The Chair called for an update. Bill Manning stated he had attended the LACNIC meeting in Salvador Brazil where an informal meeting of some of the RIR Board members took place. He stated a statement was needed regarding the fact that IP addresses are the purview of the RIRs. This was being worked on and was generally accepted; but there is no concrete text to date.

Ray Plzak also attended this meeting and stated that LACNIC wants the RIRs or the NRO to assert that Legacy space is not the purview of the region in which it is being used. Any legacy space recovered by the RIR would be returned to a central pool to be administered and distributed wherever in world it is needed, not through the IANA.

The Chair asked the Board how they felt about this. After opinions were given, it was the sense of the Board that they did not support this idea.

7. Caribbean Outreach Report

Scott Bradner stated that involvement was good, and the meeting went very well. The President pointed out that there was a workshop with the CTU the day before - due to travel warnings in Haiti, their meeting was cancelled. He stated that this helped attendance and it was a very productive meeting. ARIN conducted a tutorial regarding the nature of IP addresses. Many regulators attended and participated in discussion, unlike in U.S. ARIN meetings. He also stated that the CTU presented an interactive discussion on what people in the Caribbean are doing to implement IPv6.

The President further explained that the next day was a fully functioning ARIN meeting. Scott Bradner chaired the meeting and AC and ARIN-region ASO AC members also attended. He explained the format was exactly the same as the ARIN Public Policy Meeting. This was well received by the attendees.

Scott Bradner also stated that the quality of discussion was very high.

The Chair stated that this should be reported during the ARIN meeting in Los Angeles this Fall. He requested a summary and any pictures if available. The President agreed, and stated that there will be another ARIN Caribbean Sector meeting in September in the Bahamas. The Board requested the meeting dates for planning purposes.

8. Any Other Business

A. E-Bay Listing of Address Space. It came to the Board’s attention that someone had IP address space on E-bay for sale. The President stated that E-Bay was being asked by ARIN to remove it from their website. Counsel stated he had sent a message to E-Bay, and it also will go to the Board.

Discussion ensued regarding exercising authority over legacy space. The Chair stated there is a question as to what the basis is of legal authority over legacy space and it would be helpful to see a summary of what it is and the basis for it. He stated that ARIN was given that information pretty clearly at its formation, but the Chair would like to see how it could be argued.

The Chair requested the President provide the Board with a statement that summarizes the basis of authority for all future Board members in addition to the current Board members. The President agreed to do so.

9. Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 4:40 EDT. Lee Howard moved to adjourn and this was seconded by Ray Plzak. The motion carried unanimously.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.