Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 10 January 2004 [Archived]


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  • John Curran, Chairman
  • David Conrad, Trustee
  • Lee Howard, Treasurer
  • Ray Plzak, President
  • Bill Woodcock, Trustee

ARIN Staff:

  • Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary
  • Richard Jimmerson, Director of Operations
  • Bob Stratton, Director of Business

ARIN Counsel:

  • Steve Ryan


  • Scott Bradner
  • Bill Manning

1. Welcome.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:11 a.m. EST. The presence of a quorum was noted.

2. Agenda Bashing.

The Chair called for comments. Ray Plzak requested discussing the contribution to Merit and possible need for another teleconference before the Board’s next meeting in March. The Chair added the contribution to Merit as item 5a on the agenda, and the possibility of another teleconference under item 6a. Lee Howard requested discussing the Vendor Performance Review Committee and it was added as item 5b.

3. Pricing Smaller Blocks in Africa Region.

After discussion, it was the sense of the Board to table this issue for further discussion until after a visit from Adiel Akplogan to ARIN takes place later in the month.

4. Discussion of RSA.

Lee thanked Steve for responding to his comments he had on the document. After review of revisions and discussion of the document, it was the sense of the Board that no motion was needed. The Chair asked if anyone felt that the President should not go forward in using this revised version of the RSA. There were no objections. It was the sense of Board to use the new document.

5. Discussion of Indemnification.

The Board wanted to ensure that this clause was addressed in the RSA properly. Bob Stratton stated that ARIN’s insurance carriers had recommended wording that was indeed incorporated into the RSA, and that he would be forwarding the new RSA to the insurance carriers. The Board accepted this action.

5a. Discussion of ARIN’s Contribution to Merit.

Due to changes in Merit’s requirements for the contribution, it was the sense of the Board that the contribution be put to use in such a way that could benefit the membership as a whole.

Ray Plzak moved that:

“ARIN will provide up to $50,000 in support, annually, to Merit for the purpose of electronically disseminating the NANOG Meetings.”

This was seconded by David Conrad. The motion carried with Bill Woodcock abstaining.

5b. Vendor Performance Review Committee.

After discussion, it was the sense of the Board that this Committee would not need to be formed. It was decided that the Board would address any vendors that ARIN retained which would directly report to the Board, as the need arose. The Chair stated that the high level issue was Board awareness, and that if and when the Board contracts a vendor that would report directly to the Board, they will set up the process. This has been done for reviewing ARIN’s General Counsel. The Chair stated that he would make sure that he carries forward this practice.

6. Discussion of March Board Meeting.

Ray Plzak stated that the next meeting of the Board would be in the San Francisco area on March 22, 2004. He proposed meeting in late morning, breaking for lunch, and then reconvening. The Board was agreeable to this plan.

The Chair requested that the Board Travel Reimbursement Policy be reviewed at that time. It was agreed to add this item to the Agenda for that meeting.

6a. Possible Board Meeting via teleconference before March 22, 2004.

Ray Plzak explained that the ARIN Advisory Committee will most likely have a meeting within the next week, and as a result, the Board would need to convene at some point to discuss policy issues based on the AC’s meeting. The Board agreed to hold a teleconference when necessary.

7. Discussion of ARIN Meeting in Africa.

Ray Plzak stated as part of the process to get AFRINIC moving in the direction of being its own Registry, sub-regional meetings in Africa would be necessary. He stated that there is currently a problem with the fact that three IRRs are administering AFRINIC under three separate policies. He stated that implementing a common policy for all of Africa needed to be addressed. He proposed an ARIN sub-regional meeting, to be held in the ARIN portion of the AFRINIC membership region. He stated that it could be held in the summer later this year, and that this would require participation of Officers of the Board. The Chair stated that he would make arrangements to attend the meeting if the President felt that his presence was needed. Bill Woodcock and Lee Howard stated that they would also be available to participate. The Chair tasked the President with setting up the meetings.

8. Any Other Business.

The Chair asked if there was any other business to discuss. There was no other business.

9. Adjournment.

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 12:40 p.m. EST. Lee Howard moved to adjourn, and this was seconded by Ray Plzak. The motion carried unanimously.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.