Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 09 July 2002 [Archived]


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Reston, Virginia


  • John Curran, Chairman
  • Scott Bradner, Secretary
  • Lee Howard, Treasurer
  • David Conrad, Trustee
  • Bill Manning, Trustee
  • Ray Plzak, President
  • Richard Jimmerson, Director of Operations
  • Susan Hamlin, Director Member Services
  • Bob Stratton, Director of Business
  • Dennis Molloy, ARIN Counsel
  • Thérèse Colosi, Recording Secretary

Chairman of the Board, John Curran, called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. EDT. The presence of a quorum was noted.

1. Agenda Bashing.

Ray Plzak asked to add an item for the Board to appoint volunteers to the Nominating Committee. The Chair added this as item 19 a. under Any Other Business. There were no further comments.

2. Formal approval minutes of the past meetings

a. Approval of BOT Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2002

Scott Bradner, acting as the Secretary of the Board, moved: “The Board of Trustees adopts the minutes of the April 8, 2002 meeting as written.”

David Conrad seconded the motion. There being no further comments, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

b. Approval of BOT Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2002

Scott Bradner, acting as the Secretary of the Board, moved: “The Board of Trustees adopts the minutes of the April 8, 2002 meeting as written.”

Bill Manning seconded the motion. There being no further comments, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

c. Approval of BOT Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2002

Scott Bradner, acting as the Secretary of the Board, moved: “The Board of Trustees adopts the minutes of the June 5, 2002 meeting as written.”

Bill Manning seconded the motion. The Chair asked for any further comments. David Conrad asked for clarification of some of the items discussed at the previous meeting, resulting in the removal of some superfluous text. There were no objections.

The revised motion reads:

The Board of Trustees adopts the minutes of the June 5, 2002 minutes as amended.

Scott Bradner accepted this as a friendly amendment. There being no further comments, the Chair called for vote. The motion passed 5-0-1, with David Conrad abstaining.

3. Ratification of Policy Proposal 2001-4, Modifications to the IPv6 Allocation Policies

a. Proposed Policy:

The three RIRs have compiled the “IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy” document dated June 26, 2002, using feedback received from the RIR communities since the publishing of the provisional IPv6 document in 1999. In the interest of maintaining IPv6 policies that are global in scope, ARIN accepts the document with language on initial allocations as amended following the APNIC 13 and ARIN IX Public Policy Meetings.

b. Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process Actions:

This policy proposal has been discussed on the email lists; consensus was reached at the ARIN IX Public Policy meeting; the Advisory Council recommended adoption of the policy; and the policy underwent a last call on the ARIN Public Policy Mailing List (there were no substantive comments).

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the Advisory Council and noting that the ARIN Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process has been followed, adopts Policy Proposal 2001-4, Modifications to the IPv6 Allocation Policies.

David Conrad seconded the motion. The Chair called for any further comments. The Board reviewed and discussed the document asking Counsel to research antitrust issues, and what antitrust avoidance language would be necessary for any future base documents such as this. There being no further comments, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Joint Meeting

Susan Hamlin provided a report concerning the upcoming ARIN/NANOG meetings in October/November in Eugene, Oregon. She stated announcements will be posted on the ARIN website beginning September 4, 2002. The Chair asked for any questions. David Conrad asked about the NANOG/ARIN relationship. Susan Hamlin reported that this was a very cooperative effort between the two organizations.

5. Privacy Statement

ARIN Counsel is currently evaluating a privacy statement for the ARIN website. After a short review, Scott Bradner felt the statement was too lengthy. It was decided that it would be reworked. David Conrad suggested that the staff interact with Scott directly to formalize the document. No vote was necessary but all were in agreement with no further discussion.

6. Conflict of Interest

Scott Bradner moved:

The Board of Trustees amends Article VI, Section 15 of the ARIN Bylaws to read:

ARTICLE VI, Section 15. Board of Trustees. Trustee Conflicts of Interests.

a. A Trustee of ARIN shall not be involved in a transaction with ARIN in which he or she has a direct or indirect personal interest in the transaction with ARIN;

b. A Trustee of ARIN shall not have an indirect personal interest in a transaction with ARIN if any of the following shall be true: (i) any other entity in which a Trustee of ARIN has a material financial interest or in which a Trustee of ARIN is a general partner is also a party to a transaction with ARIN; or (ii) any other entity of which a Trustee of ARIN is a director, officer or trustee is also a party to a transaction with ARIN and the transaction with ARIN is or should be considered by the Board of Trustees of ARIN;

c. A Trustee of ARIN who has a direct or indirect personal interest in a transaction with ARIN may not participate in any discussion of a transaction with ARIN by the Trustees of ARIN and may not vote to determine whether to authorize, approve, or ratify a transaction with ARIN.

d. The existence of direct or indirect personal interest of a Trustee of ARIN in a transaction with ARIN shall be considered to be a valid transaction with ARIN as long as both of the following conditions shall be met: (i) the material facts of a transaction with ARIN and the Trustee’s interest in a transaction with ARIN was disclosed to the Board of Trustees of ARIN by the Trustee having a direct or indirect personal interest in a transaction with ARIN and the Board of Trustees of ARIN, by a vote of disinterested Trustees of ARIN entitled to vote on a transaction with ARIN, voted to authorize, approve or ratify a transaction with ARIN; and (ii) the transaction with ARIN in which the direct or indirect personal interest of an ARIN Trustee was disclosed to the Board of Trustees of ARIN and was determined by the Board of Trustees of ARIN to be fair to ARIN.

e. A “transaction with ARIN” as used in subsections a, b, c and d means the transaction or conduct of business with ARIN.

The current language reads:

Section 15. Conflicts of Interest. No Trustee may vote on any matter in which that Trustee, or any entity with which that Trustee is affiliated, has a financial or legal interest.

David Conrad seconded the motion. The Chair asked for any comments. The Board discussed the document in great detail and sent it back to Counsel for further clarification and simplification. The Chair asked Ray Plzak to work with Counsel on reworking this document.

Scott Bradner withdrew the motion and there were no objections.

7. Definition of an ARIN Member

As discussed at the March 19, 2002 Board meeting, ARIN staff presented volunteers David Conrad and Bill Manning with a draft proposal regarding the definition of a subscriber member. This “committee” reviewed the proposal and came to no decision. Susan Hamlin presented a draft proposal. The Board concluded that no vote was necessary, and felt the definition was acceptable as it stands.

8. ARIN Board of Trustees Election Process

As discussed in the March 19, 2002 Board meeting, Ray Plzak suggested that the process called for in the By-laws should be documented to describe the process and procedures that have been established to ensure the privacy, validity, and accuracy of all ballots. The Board agreed with this, and asked the President to prepare such a document.

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees adopts the current process for electing members to the Board of Trustees as outlined in the document, The ARIN Election Process: The Board of Trustees.

Ray Plzak seconded the motion. The Chair asked if another document had ever existed, and Ray Plzak confirmed that this was the first. During the discussion, the Board made several minor editorial corrections to the motion, with Scott Bradner accepting them as a friendly amendment.

After discussion, the Board amended the motion to read:

The ARIN Board of Trustees accepts the document “The ARIN Election Process: The Board of Trustees”, dated July 9, 2002, as a description of the current process for electing members to the ARIN Board of Trustees.

There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

9. ARIN Advisory Council Election Process

A document describing the process and procedures for the election of members to the ARIN Advisory Council has been prepared.

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees accepts the document “The ARIN Election Process: The Advisory Council”, dated July 9, 2002, as a description of the current process for electing members to the ARIN Advisory Council.

Ray Plzak seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

10. ARIN Process and Procedures Manual

Ray Plzak reported on this issue. He explained that there were practices and procedures in the ARIN Bylaws that should be removed and incorporated into this manual. After discussing, the Board supported the President’s request. Scott Bradner will also prepare an internal policy process procedures document.

11. Waiver of IPv6 Fees


The current IPv6 fee schedule is as follows:

“Organizations approved for receiving the standard /35 initial IPv6 allocation will be charged an annual fee of $2,500 (US). For larger amounts of addresses, a fee of $20,000 (US) will be assessed.”

At the ARIN VII meeting the collection of fees for IPv6 allocations from current IPv4 subscribers was waived until December 31, 2002.

The recently adopted IPv6 policy changed the minimum allocation from /35 to /32 and provided for allocation of the additional space to those organizations that currently have a /35 to the new minimum allocation of /32 if they so request. Under the current fee structure an assessment of $20,000 (US) would have to be levied against the subscriber. The IPv6 fee schedule needs to be re-evaluated. Action is needed to address this situation while the fee schedule is being evaluated.

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees notes that the recent change to the IPv6 minimum allocation size has an impact on the fee schedule. While a new fee schedule is being evaluated, the Board waives the collection of any additional fees that would otherwise be assessed based on the larger amount of address space. This waiver is effective July 1, 2002 until such time as the Board publishes a new fee schedule. The current waiver of assessment of fees for IPv4 subscribers who request IPv6 space will remain in effect until December 31, 2002.

Lee Howard seconded the motion. The Chair asked for any comments. Lee Howard suggested removing the words “the collection of”. Scott Bradner asked to add the word “initial” between “larger amount” and change the effective date to August 1, 2002. This was accepted as a friendly amendment.

The revised motion reads:

The ARIN Board of Trustees notes that the recent change to the IPv6 minimum allocation size has an impact on the fee schedule. While a new fee schedule is being evaluated, the Board waives any additional fees that would otherwise be assessed based on the larger initial amount of address space. This waiver is effective August 1, 2002 until such time as the Board publishes a new fee schedule. The current waiver of assessment of fees for IPv4 subscribers who request IPv6 space will remain in effect until December 31, 2002.

There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed 5-0-1, with Bill Manning abstaining.

12. IPv6 Fee Structure

The implementation of IPv6 will have an impact on ARIN’s revenue. Bob Stratton presented several fee structure options to the Board. The Board agreed to take this matter under consideration in a future meeting.

13. Maintenance Fee

Bob Stratton made a presentation to the Board regarding revising this fee. The Board agreed to take this matter under consideration in a future meeting.

14. ICANN Report

Ray Plzak provided an update report on ICANN’s Evolution and Reform Process activity

15. Budget Adjustments: Personnel and LACNIC Support

a. LACNIC Support

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees adjusts the budget for the fiscal year 2002 by recognizing an expense line of $66,000 to reflect the support of that is being provided to LACNIC. The Board takes this action to reflect its decision made at the March 19, 2002 meeting to provide LACNIC 35% of the revenue derived from registration activities in the emerging region.

Lee Howard seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

b. Personnel

Scott Bradner moved:

The ARIN Board of Trustees adjusts the budget for the fiscal year 2002 to allow for the increase of staff by one FTE for the purpose of adding an accounts receivable specialist.

Lee Howard seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously

16. Travel Support for ARIN Region ASO AC members

ARIN currently provides travel support to ASO AC members to attend the ARIN meetings, the ASO General Assembly meeting if it is held at a venue other than an ARIN meeting, and to one other meeting of the AC that may be held during the year. This support is provided upon request. The RIRs, as a part of the Secretariat costs, jointly provide for the travel of the ASO AC Chair to the ICANN meetings.

The President suggested that support should be extended to include travel for the ARIN-elected ASO AC members to the ICANN meetings. The Board noted that there were several options for implementing this suggestion. It was the sense of the Board that the President explore the various options and implement the one he deemed most appropriate.

17. Support for the RFC Editor

ARIN currently supports the activity of the RFC Editor through the Internet Society. It has been suggested that other options should be explored to support the RFC Editor. Ray Plzak updated the board on this issue. Scott Bradner urged everyone that any thoughts other than doing it through the Internet Society be discussed with the IAB first. The Chair then asked Ray to explore the matter with IAB. There was no further discussion.

18. Pending Financial Committee Actions

a. Expenditure Authorization Process

b. Modifications to Investment Plan

c. Acceptance of Final Audited Financial Statements

Ray Plzak stated that these were the current actions before the Finance Committee. Committee Chair, Lee Howard, stated that these actions would be dealt with in upcoming Committee meetings, and be reported back to the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

19. Any Other Business

a. Appointment of Volunteers to the Nominating Committee

Susan Hamlin reviewed the requirements for the Nominating Committee. Scott Bradner asked if anyone was ineligible to be volunteered. Susan replied that anyone up for re-election is deemed ineligible. Of the Board, David Conrad was ineligible. Bill Manning and Scott Bradner then volunteered with Scott volunteering to be the Chair as well.

b. The Chair asked for any other new business. There was no other new business.

20. Adjournment

Scott Bradner moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:46 p.m. EDT. Ray Plzak seconded the motion. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.