Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 14 November 2001 [Archived]


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***This special teleconference meeting was called via email notification and held in compliance with the regulations set forth in Article VI, Section 11 of the ARIN Bylaws.***


  • Scott Bradner
  • David Conrad
  • John Curran
  • Scott Marcus
  • Ray Plzak
  • Michael Straty
  • Dennis Molloy - ARIN Counsel
  • Susan Hamlin - Recording Secretary

Chairman of the Board John Curran called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM. The presence of a quorum was noted.

The meeting agenda was reviewed and adopted.

There was one agenda item, to confirm the results of the Advisory Council election process as required by Article VIII, Section 5.a. of the ARIN Bylaws.

Ray Plzak explained that the election process was carried out according to the Bylaws and that all milestones and deadlines were met. He then read the tally of votes.

Scott Bradner moved the Board of Trustees confirm the results of the properly conducted ARIN Advisory Council election and note that the following individuals were elected by the membership to serve three-year terms: John Brown, Sanford George, Dawn Martin, Ron da Silva, and Cathy Wittbrodt.

Ray Plzak seconded the motion. There being no further discussion the Chairman called for a roll call vote in which the motion was unanimously passed.

Scott Bradner moved that the Board of Trustees confirm the results of the properly conducted ARIN Advisory Council election and note that Lyric Apted was elected by the membership to serve a two-year term.

David Conrad seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Chairman called for a roll call vote in which the motion was unanimously passed.

There was no new business raised.

Scott Bradner moved that the meeting adjourn at 4:50 PM. Michael Straty seconded the motion. It was then carried by unanimous voice vote.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.