Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 02 March 2001 [Archived]


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  • Scott Bradner
  • David Conrad
  • John Curran
  • Scott Marcus
  • Ray Plzak
  • Susan Hamlin, Recording secretary
  • Absent: Michael Straty

Chairman of the Board John Curran called the meeting to order at 3:10 PM. Roll call attendance was taken and the presence of a quorum was noted for the record.

The meeting agenda was reviewed and adopted.

The single agenda item was to hear the report of the ARIN Nomination Committee’s (NomCom)deliberations regarding nominees for the ICANN Board of Directors.

NomCom Chairman Scott Marcus made a report and presented the committee’s recommendations to the Board. The Board subsequently discussed the issue of putting forth a nominee(s). In looking at the nominees on the ASO website, the Board concluded that since its first discussion of the matter the list had grown to include enough sound candidates, thereby diminishing the need for any action on their part.

Scott Bradner moved,

That since there are now several candidates on the ASO list of qualified nominees for the ICANN Board of Directors who would provide excellent representation of the addressing community in general and the ARIN region in particular, the ARIN Board of Trustees has decided not to offer a candidate for nomination. The ARIN Board of Trustees strongly encourages all interested parties to examine the list of candidates and either nominate other individuals to the list or provide a statement of support for the candidates that have been identified.

Ray Plzak seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Scott Bradner - aye, John Curran - aye, David Conrad - aye, Scott Marcus - aye, Ray Plzak - aye. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Action Item: Scott Marcus was asked to pass along the Board’s decision to the NomCom.

Action Item: John Curran was asked to advise the ARIN membership and ASO nominating committee of the Board’s decision.

Scott Bradner moved that the meeting adjourn at 3:30 PM. Ray Plzak seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the meeting ended.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.