Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 02 October 2000 [Archived]


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Herndon, Virginia


  • Scott Bradner
  • David Conrad
  • John Curran
  • Scott Marcus
  • Ray Plzak
  • Kim Hubbard, ARIN Consultant
  • Dennis Molloy, ARIN Counsel
  • Susan Hamlin, Notetaker
  • Absent: Michael Straty

Chairman of the Board John Curran called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. He welcomed Ray Plzak to ARIN and congratulated him on his new position as ARIN President.

The meeting agenda was reviewed. David Conrad asked that one item be added, a discussion about increasing the size of the Board. The addition was noted and the agenda was adopted.

Financial Update - The Audited Financial Statement for ARIN for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, prepared by Tate & Tryon, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, was given to the Board which then reviewed it. Scott Bradner moved to accept ARIN’s Audited Financial Statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. David Conrad seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the motion was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

A cover letter from the auditors recommended that ARIN develop a formal investment policy. Scott Bradner moved that the ARIN President establish an investment committee comprised of three members of the Board. Scott Marcus seconded the motion. Discussion was called for and hearing none, the motion was put to a vote. It passed unanimously.

Pursuant to suggestions made by the ARIN auditors, Scott Bradner moved that ARIN Counsel draft a conflict of interest policy for Board members to review at the next meeting. David Conrad seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the vote was called and the motion passed unanimously.

ARIN Policy Process - Scott Marcus opened the discussion on ARIN’s current policy formulation process. He stressed the need to seek as much member and public comment as feasible before recommendations were made by the Advisory Council and submitted to the Board for action. Kim Hubbard summarized the discussion on this topic from the last board meeting.

Action item: Scott Bradner volunteered to document an action flow of the policy creation process for Board review.

ICANN Contract Review - Following a discussion of ICANN’s latest draft contract revision, it was agreed that Kim Hubbard, Ray Plzak, and ARIN Counsel Dennis Molloy would meet to formulate ARIN’s response. Once they have produced a draft, Scott Marcus and Scott Bradner will review the document before presenting it to the full Board.

Related ICANN Business - John Curran moved that ARIN reimburse the three ASO AC members in ARIN’s region for appropriate travel and expenses related to attending ASO AC meetings, should a member request such financial support. Scott Marcus seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Virtual Webhosting Policy - Scott Bradner moved that ARIN should suspend the implementation of the current virtual webhosting policy until the Board receives further input from the Advisory Council. John Curran seconded the motion. Following a call for discussion, the motion was passed by unanimous vote.

Number of Board Members - It was agreed that the Board will continue to discuss the idea of increasing its size, looking at Counsel’s suggestion of no less than 7 members or more than 9. The Board agreed to make a determination prior to next year’s election cycle.

Action item: In a related discussion of Board nominees, it was agreed that discussion on the role of the Nominating Committee being added to the next meeting agenda.

RFP Update - Mr. Curran and Mr. Conrad left the room prior to the beginning of this discussion. Ray Plzak took over as meeting chairman.

Kim Hubbard reported that ARIN short-listed three finalists, conducted site visits and was now ready to move forward with a non-exclusive contract with one of the vendors.

Following discussion, and noting that a quorum was no longer present in the room, the board recommended that the President initiate negotiations for a non-exclusive contract with the designated vendor. Further, it was suggested that the President not make any announcement of details to the Board or members other than we are about to enter into negotiations on the specifics of the contract.

The President was asked to report back to the Board at its next meeting on the status of a contract.

Point of Order: Mr. Conrad and Mr. Curran returned at the conclusion of the RFP discussion. The meeting was turned back over to the Chairman.

Schedule next meeting - The Board scheduled its next meeting for Thursday, Dec. 14th in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the IETF meeting.

Scott Marcus moved that the meeting adjourn at 10:10 PM. Scott Bradner seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.


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