Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 12 June 2000 [Archived]


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Chantilly, Virginia


  • Scott Bradner
  • David Conrad
  • John Curran
  • Kim Hubbard
  • Scott Marcus
  • Michael Straty (arrived at 12:30 PM)
  • Dennis Molloy, ARIN Counsel
  • Susan Hamlin, Notetaker

Chairman of the Board John Curran called the meeting to order at 9:40 AM. The meeting agenda was reviewed and adopted.

Status of Executive Search - Kim Hubbard shared with the Board a Korn Ferry document that outlined the firm’s recruiting efforts to date. Discussion ensued about the search process going forward. Scott Marcus moved that John Curran take over as lead contact with Korn Ferry from this point on. The motion was seconded by Scott Bradner, then unanimously approved.

Noting that June 15th was her original scheduled departure date, Kim Hubbard agreed to stay on as President of ARIN until a new President is named. Thereafter, Kim will enter into a consulting arrangement with ARIN, the details of which will be forthcoming.

Fiscal Budget Review - Business Manager Bob Stratton presented a comparison of this year’s budget to actual expenditures to date. It was noted that this year’s budget surplus is explained in part by the lack of full staff throughout the year and budgeted expenses that were deferred until the upcoming year.

By the end of the current fiscal year ARIN will have approximately 70% of the one year’s operating reserves that the Board had requested be built up. The Board agreed to discuss adjusting registration fees at the fall 2000 Member Meeting.

Bob next presented an overview of the ARIN budget for the upcoming fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2000. The anticipated budget surplus for FY July 2000 will not be as great as the current year, in part due to the mid-year changes in fees which ended upgrade charges for IP allocations (these fees produced revenue in FY 1999 totaling approximately 9% of the operating budget).

The Board directed staff to look into alternative investment opportunities for the reserve account in order to secure a higher rate of return.

Operational Review - Debbie Herrmann, Manager of Engineering, presented an update on current projects and conceptual plans for system and software changes in the future.

She reported that ARIN is moving forward with the RIR’s agreed upon transfer of IN-ADDR support for legacy networks. The Board asked Kim to provide ICANN with a courtesy copy of the plans when finalized.

There was substantial discussion on the format of the RFP for co-location of DNS servers. Many members expressed the opinion that ARIN should outsource as much of the work/process as possible. The Board asked staff to make the RFP flexible, clearly stating that ARIN will entertain all options, from management of ARIN servers to a full-service package. ARIN staff expects to send out the RFP this month. Scott Bradner and Michael Straty agreed to review RFP responses with staff.

Trustee David Conrad, noting a possible interest conflict, excused himself from the meeting and the Trustee discussion of co-location of DNS servers. Following discussion, Mr.Conrad returned to the meeting.

Debbie continued with a presentation of the current production environment and talked briefly about future changes to address needed capacity and automation. Several Board members expressed interest in providing input to the engineering staff throughout the new system design phase.

Note: Trustee Michael Straty joined the meeting at this point.

Member Meeting Consensus Issues:

Micro-allocations - Scott Bradner moved to accept the proposal on micro-allocation as approved by the members and Advisory Council (increase the list of critical infrastructure items to include TLD name servers, CcTLD name servers, Regional Internet Registries, and ICANN) with the modification that all named servers of the domain be included. Kim Hubbard and John Curran seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Webhosting Allocations - Scott Bradner called a motion to approve the proposal from the members and Advisory Council, reworded as follows: ARIN will not take into account multiple IP addresses for multiple domain names on the same host for purposes of determining the amount of address space to be allocated. All previous allocations will be grandfathered and a list of exceptions will be provided. David Conrad seconded the motion. The motion was carried on a vote of five (5) yeas and one abstention by John Curran.

XDSL Privacy - A policy change was approved (by the mailing list) so that only the person’s name, city, state, and zipcode would be required to be submitted via SWIP for residential DSL users. Following some discussion, the Board asked that the change in required information apply to all residential Internet users, not specifically DSL users.

Scott Bradner put forth the motion that ARIN require only name, city, state, and zipcode be reported for all residential reassignments via SWIP or an RWHOIS server. “Private residence” would be substituted in the address field. Scott Marcus seconded the motion and a unanimous vote carried the motion.

Increase Maximum Allocation: Following discussion of a member and Advisory Council recommendation that ARIN increase the maximum allocation from /14 to /13, Scott Bradner moved that the motion be voted upon by the Board. David Conrad seconded the motion. There being no further discussion a vote was taken, yielding 5 yeas and 1 abstention (John Curran).

ICANN Contract Review - Kim Hubbard reported that a revised draft agreement had been sent to ICANN and that ARIN is waiting for a formal response. ARIN, through the offices of its attorney, has funded an escrow account in the amount of $149,800.00. The money will be released to ICANN when an agreement between ICANN and ARIN is signed.

The Board asked Kim to place a chronology of events regarding contract negotiations with ICANN on the ARIN website, along with a scanned-in escrow account bank statement.

On another ICANN matter, David Conrad agreed to represent ARIN at the July 15th ICANN meeting in Yokohama, Japan.

LACNIC - There was discussion over the list of countries now in ARIN’s geographic region that LACNIC proposes to service. While LACNIC must apply to ICANN for this authority, ARIN wishes to express its opinion. As discussed today, ARIN believes that regions, not individual nations should be assigned to registries, and that LACNIC should initially be given the continental areas of South America, Mexico and Latin America. ARIN believes that the ISPs in the Caribbean should be able to express their opinion as to which RIR jurisdiction they should fall under.

Upcoming Elections - Elections will take place this fall to fill the spots of those members whose terms are expiring on the Advisory Council and Board of Trustees. Scott Bradner nominated Scott Marcus to serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee for the upcoming elections. Mike Straty seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously. Scott Marcus appointed David Conrad to the Committee, and will seek volunteers from the Advisory Council and the membership at large as per the ARIN bylaws.

Next Board of Trustees Meeting - David Conrad volunteered to host the next ARIN Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, August 14th in Redwood, CA.

Scott Bradner moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:25. Scott Marcus seconded the motion, which was then approved by unanimous vote.


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