Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 14 January 2000 [Archived]


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Chantilly, Virginia


John Curran, Chairman of the Board, called the meeting to order at 9:25 AM. The following individuals were present for all or part of the meeting:

  • Trustees: Scott Bradner, David Conrad, John Curran, Kim Hubbard, Scott Marcus, and Mike Straty
  • Former Trustee: Don Telage
  • Counsel: Dennis Molloy and Art McKee
  • Attorneys: Stephen Ryan and Michael Adlin
  • Notetaker: Susan Hamlin

Chairman Curran recognized the recent election of new members and welcomed David Conrad and Scott Marcus to the Board. He also recognized and thanked outgoing member Don Telage for his outstanding service to ARIN. Doug Humphry (in absentia) was also thanked for his participation on the Board. Kim Hubbard recommended that Mr. Telage remain for the meeting. The Chairman concurred; noting that Mr. Telage was welcome as an advisor.

The meeting agenda was reviewed and revised to include the review of the ASO proposal. Kim Hubbard moved to adopt the agenda. Mike Straty seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Election of Officers - New officers were elected to serve terms of one year. John Curran was nominated by Scott Marcus to continue in the role of Chairman. David Conrad seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Scott Bradner was nominated by David Conrad to continue in the role of Secretary. Kim Hubbard seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. John Curran nominated Mike Straty as Treasurer. This was seconded by Scott Marcus and approved unanimously. The new officers are John Curran, Chairman; Scott Bradner, Secretary; and Mike Straty, Treasurer.

The minutes of the October 19, 1999 meeting were previously approved and have been posted to the ARIN web-site.

Operational Status - On the personnel side, Kim Hubbard reported on the latest new hires, executive assistant Susan Hamlin and webmaster Rob Bailey. ARIN has made an offer for the position of Project Manager, and is currently advertising for the position of Manager of Engineering.

The President reported that all operations are running smoothly thanks to Richard Jimmerson, manager of the Registration Services group, Business Manager Bob Stratton, and Shane Kerr, Senior Software Engineer. The engineers are currently working on a major overhaul of the ARIN system, with particular attention to integration and automation.

ARIN Surveys - Mike Straty suggested that ARIN conduct an annual employee survey on the work environment. In addition, John Curran offered to provide names of local firms that conduct exit interviews for companies.

Kim Hubbard stated that an ARIN employee suggested the need for a customer satisfaction survey. After much discussion it was concluded that some type of survey should be given to customers immediately following the approval/disapproval process and also to members at a member meeting.

Action item: Kim Hubbard will follow up on the development of surveys.

ICANN Contract Review - A lengthy review of a draft contract between ICANN and ARIN took place. The attorneys were asked to submit a revised draft to ARIN within a week.

Financials - Kim Hubbard reported that ARIN is in sound financial shape. There are currently 971 members (100 non-subscription holders) and the number continues to grow. It was reported that ARIN is well on its way to compiling the 1 year’s worth of reserves as previously requested by the Board. Scott Bradner moved to accept the financial report as reviewed. Scott Marcus seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

ARIN Update - Kim Hubbard reported that ARIN’s lease on its current offices is up in 2001 and that ARIN will begin looking for an alternative location. Also, Kim reported that communication efforts have been successful in educating many members of Congress about ARIN’s mission. ARIN will continue these efforts during the next six months.

Y2K Report - There were no Y2K problems at ARIN.

ASO Report - The ASO General Assembly meeting is in Budapest on May 19 in conjunction with the RIPE meeting.

ARIN Meetings - The next ARIN members meeting is scheduled for April 3 - 5, 2000 in Calgary. The next ARIN Board of Trustees meeting was scheduled for Monday night, April 3 in Calgary.

Scott Bradner moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 PM. David Conrad seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


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