Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 10 June 1999 [Archived]


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Chantilly, VA

The meeting was called to order by John Curran, Chairman, at 9:00 a.m. In attendance were Scott Bradner, John Curran, Kim Hubbard, Mike Straty and Don Telage, Trustees, and Ken Fockler, Treasurer. Also in attendance were Dennis Molloy, ARIN counsel and Mary K. Lee, notetaker. Doug Humphrey did not attend the meeting.

The minutes of the April 11, 1999 meeting were previously approved and have been posted to the ARIN website.

Operational Status

ARIN staffing. Kim Hubbard stated that two IP Analysts, a Membership Coordinator and two Software Engineers have been recently hired. She also noted that ARIN has received many good applications for the open positions of Database Administrator, Webmaster and Registration Services Group Supervisor and that we are actively interviewing these candidates.

Key Projects

IPv6 Allocation Status. SWIP development is completed and five ARIN members are currently testing the operability.

Year 2K. Year 2K upgrade is on track for end of June readiness.

Redundant Server. One redundant server will be placed at RIPE NCC and another at APNIC.

Website. Kim Hubbard reported that the current website would be replaced with an updated version that will make it easier to locate templates, information. Another addition will be individual web pages for ARIN’s customers/subscribers.

E-commerce. ARIN will begin accepting credit cards for ASN’s and maintenance fees. A subsequent project phase will include in-addr fees for non-ARIN customers.

Billing System. A new billing system will update the current manual system, improving the controls, integration and interface between the registration services software and accounting system.

Migration. The migration from Ingress to Oracle is continuing.

Infrastructure Improvements. The ongoing infrastructure improvements include enhancing server/file system/network utilization and distribution, and system development methodology.

Recommendations for consideration derived from the Members Meeting, Working Groups and the Advisory Council

Recommendation #1: That the policy and operational meetings for ARIN be held separately, that the policy meetings would address IP, AS and non-operational issues, and would be open to the public.

Recommendation #2: That the membership fee be bundled with the regular ISP registration fee and that a flat, lower fee for membership be charged to all others. Further, attendees of the open policy meetings who are not members of ARIN will be charged an attendance fee for these meetings.

A motion was made by Scott Bradner to adopt the proposal from the AC that membership in ARIN be free of charge to all subscription customers. Kim Hubbard seconded this motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion ensued concerning the structure of the proposed open policy meetings. Various alternatives for the ARIN Public Policy Meeting were proposed and analyzed.

Scott Bradner moved that ARIN hold two two-day open policy meeting per year. Furthermore, one of ARIN’s bi-annual Member Meetings will be held along with the open policy meeting. Locales will be determined in the future. Kim Hubbard seconded the motion and it passed with all in favor.

Kim Hubbard will begin working with the new Membership Coordinator on the time frame for announcing and implementing the above passed motions. Announcements will be made to ARIN Members, on the ARIN website and to the NANOG list.

Recommendation #3: That ARIN be allowed to allocate to Department of Commerce recognized root name servers an allocation no longer than a /24.

Recommendation #4: That ARIN be allowed to allocate address space for public exchange points. The allocation will be no longer than a /24. The exchange point operators will provide justification for the allocation: including, connection policy, location, minimum of two other participants, ASN and contact information. It is noted that this allocation may not be announced on the public Internet. This recommendation does not preclude exchange point operators from requesting address space from ARIN under other policies.

Scott Bradner moved that the Board adopt Recommendation #4 from the AC. Kim Hubbard seconded this motion. Mike Straty abstained and the rest of the Board was in favor of this motion.

Scott Bradner moved that the Board notify the AC that with respect to Recommendation #3, this recommendation be held until such time as it appears probable that there will be changes to the root name server. Mike Straty seconded this motion. John Curran called for a vote and it passed unanimously.

Action item: Legal counsel will look into the implications of downstream providers (smaller ISP’s who get address space from larger ISP’s who get their space directly from ARIN) also becoming ARIN members. Counsel will look at the implications this may have on issues concerning fairness of membership.

IPv6 Registration Fees. Scott Bradner moved that the Board accept the President’s recommendation for IPv6 fee structure as follows: the annual fee for an initial allocation of a /35 will be $2,500; larger and subsequent allocations will be $20,000 annually. Mike Straty seconded this motion and it was passed with all in favor.

Planned Membership/Customer Service Offerings.

Member Web Pages. The member web pages will track relevant information and will require a provider id and a password.

Credit Card Payments. ARIN is investigating e-commerce and will be looking at accepting credit card payments for ASN registration fees.

In-addr update changes. Scott Bradner moved that ARIN adopt a $50 fee for in-addr changes. Don Telage seconded this motion and it passed unanimously. The changes will become effective 30 days after announcement.

The finances were presented by Ken Fockler, Treasurer, and reviewed by the Board. Scott Bradner made a motion to accept the budget, slightly revised, to include adding the in-addr changes. Don Telage seconded this motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

ICANN Response to ARIN Letter. In response to the letter ARIN sent to ICANN making several requests, ICANN mailed a return letter which was not responsive to the requests from ARIN. Don Telage moved that a second letter be sent to ICANN asking for copies of any documents that relate to IP address policy. Scott Bradner seconded this motion and all of the Trustees were in favor.

Action item: Kim Hubbard will investigate the possibility of using a lobbying firm to help publicize ARIN and its mission.

ASO Update. Scott Bradner noted that the ASO is a subcommittee of ICANN. A proposal describing how the RIRs agree to populate the address council will be sent to the ARIN Board before it is presented to ICANN. The next ICANN meeting is scheduled in Santiago, Chile, August 24-26.

Statistics. The Board reviewed a statistical report compiled by ARIN staff. Statistics included number of requests for allocations, the number granted, number denied, and number pending.

Schedule next Board meeting. The next BoT meeting will be held in Santiago, Chile, on August 23.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


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