Category: IPv4

IPv4 Depletion Status at ARIN

IPv4 Depletion Status at ARIN

 • Leslie Nobile

What happens after ARIN depletes its free pool of IPv4 address space? Will there be a Phase 5 added to the IPv4 Countdown Plan? Is the IPv4 inventory counter always accurate? These are just some of the questions we’ve been hearing in recent weeks. We understand that IPv4 depletion is causing confusion and uncertainty, so we’d like to try address some of these common questions and provide some additional information on the current status of IPv4 run-out at ARIN.

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Current Status of Phase 4 of the IPv4 Countdown Plan

Current Status of Phase 4 of the IPv4 Countdown Plan

 • Leslie Nobile

ARIN has implemented Phase 4 of our IPv4 Countdown Plan, and as a result, our response time for IPv4 requests has increased from our organizational goal of two business days. We acknowledge that this situation has caused some frustration in the community, and we are making adjustments to our IPv4 request procedures in an effort to improve response time. But the first question is what changed in Phase 4, and why? First - Phase 4 requires “team review” for all IPv4 requests. This allows us to ensure all organizations are being reviewed under the same set of requirements. By having at least two analysts review each new IPv4 request (and responses to an existing IPv4 requests), we have additional verification that each is handled in accordance with policy.

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5 Misperceptions about ARIN IPv4 Depletion

5 Misperceptions about ARIN IPv4 Depletion

 • Leslie Nobile

There has been some animated discussion and speculation about ARIN’s IPv4 depletion, in various places ranging from forum discussions to Twitter haikus. In much of the discussion about this news, we did find a few persistent misconceptions. So we thought we would take the opportunity to clear up a few of these, and provide some facts to help you better understand the situation.

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ARIN Reaches Final /8 of IPv4 Address Space

ARIN Reaches Final /8 of IPv4 Address Space

 • Leslie Nobile

On 23 April 2014, ARIN’s IPv4 address inventory dropped to 1.00 /8 (the equivalent of 16,777,216 addresses) which triggered the final phase of our IPv4 Countdown Plan. Read the official ARIN announcement on this milestone. What is the answer to IPv4 depletion? IPv4 depletion should come as no surprise to anyone and clearly underscores the need for IPv6. The sheer size of the IPv6 address pool will more than meet the needs of the growing Internet now, and well into the future.

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What Happens If You Are IPv4 Only?

What Happens If You Are IPv4 Only?

 • Jennifer Bly

There’s a lot of talk about the “impending doom” of being IPv4 only (i.e. running your public facing services such as your website and email only over IPv4) …

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Calculating IPv4 Run Rate: How to Make Your Own Projections – Guest Blog

Calculating IPv4 Run Rate: How to Make Your Own Projections – Guest Blog

 • Editor

Have you seen projections of when each RIR will run out of IPv4 space, and wondered where that information came from or even how you could come up with your …

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#IPTransfer: Join Our Twitter Chat on the Implementation of the Inter-RIR Transfer Policy

#IPTransfer: Join Our Twitter Chat on the Implementation of the Inter-RIR Transfer Policy

 • Jennifer Bly

As the available regional pools of IPv4 addresses continue to deplete, interest in inter-RIR IP address transfers is on the rise. On 31 July, ARIN implemented …

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IPv4, Not Enough Addresses

IPv4, Not Enough Addresses

 • Jennifer Bly

There are 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses. At first glance 4,294,967,296 seems like a large number. Could you imagine how long it would take to travel 4.3 billion …

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The IANA IPv4 Free Pool has Depleted

The IANA IPv4 Free Pool has Depleted

 • Jason Byrne

The global free pool of IPv4 depleted on this day, 3 February 2011. This historic event was reported by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which allocated …

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Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

 • Sean Hopkins

We’ve been yelling to the rafters for a couple of years now about how we’re running out of IPv4 address space. We hope you heard us and that …

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